Tony - Demons

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(Trigger warning! Self harm)

Tony laid awake at night, alone. He sat up and looked down at his hands as he let his tears fall. The tower was empty, it was just him. Everyone had left after the battle between Cap and him. He covered his face with his hands and sobbed.

"Tony?" He heard a voice say as he looked up in shock to see you standing there.

"Y/N, w-what are you doing here?" He asked as you sat on the edge of his bed.

"I-I couldn't s-sleep, and I started panicking and missing you. I didn't know what to do so I came here." You whispered.

"I c-can't sleep after what h-happened." He muttered as you gently placed your hand over his.

"Me neither." You whispered.

"I-I know we said b-breaking up was the best thing for us and the team. But I can't do this without you, I can't sleep without you there. I miss you." He whispered as you hugged him, he wrapped his arms around you tightly.

"I'm sorry." You whispered as he held you in his arms.

"I love you Y/N." He said as you smiled a little.

"I love you too." You replied.

"I-I was going to k-kill Bucky if Steve hadn't stopped me, he only ever cared about Bucky. Not me. T-The worst part, I miss him." Tony said as you pulled away and held his face in your hands.

"My demons are coming out and I don't think I can stop them." He whispered as he began to cry.

"Let them out, nothing you do could ever make me stop loving you. I love your darkness." You whispered as he leant in and kissed you passionately.

"Please don't leave." He muttered as you smiled.

"I won't ever leave again." You said as you laid down on his bed. He laid beside you as you buried your head in his neck. He wrapped his arms tightly around you as you closed your eyes.

You woke up around 4am and noticed Tony wasn't beside you anymore.

"Tony?" You muttered as you rubbed your eyes, you heard crying as you ran out of the room and down stairs to see glasses and plates smashed. You looked down to see Tony curled up on the floor crying and bleeding. You gasped and quickly ran towards him to see he had a knife in his hand. You slowly knelt down as he looked up at you helplessly.

"It won't stop." He whispered as he pressed the blade against his skin. You gently placed your hand over his and took the knife away.

"It's ok I'm here." You whispered as you grabbed some cloths and wrapped them around his arms.

"Tony we need to go to the infirmary." You said as he shook his head.

"No. Just let me die." He said as you held him. You weren't strong enough to carry him there. And there was no one you could call. In that moment you realised how alone you both were now. You couldn't call 911 otherwise everyone would find out about it.

"Please Tony." You whispered as he shook his head. You noticed an empty bottle of rum on the floor as you sighed.

"It's just us two now Tony. I know we don't have anything, but we have love. That can be enough, please." You whispered as you held his head in your hands and kissed his forehead.

"Tony? Y/N?" You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Steve. Your eyes widened as you held Tony closer to you.

"S-Steve?" You muttered as he quickly made his way to you.

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