Loki - Lost

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(Warning, lots o swearing)

(Yall I was napping and woke up to my whole bed fuckin shaking like there was an earthquake but no one else felt it. Also I dreamt that I died and went into the light everyone talks about. So yeah that's my day lol. Oh and within five minutes two spiders were on me, so I guess I'm Spiderman now)

The screams never stop. The pain never leaves.

You jolt awake covered in sweat as you looked around your apartment and sigh.

"Nightmare." You muttered as you held your head in your hands. You threw your fist into the wall as tears ran down your face.

"Fuck!" You screamed as you threw the covers off you. You stormed out to the balcony and took in a deep breath as you looked out into the city. The flashbacks and visions wouldn't stop.

"Stop, stop fucking stop!" You screamed out to the city as you tried to calm your breathing.

"You crazy bitch!" You heard someone yell as you groaned.

"Mind your business cunt!" You shouted back before going back inside your apartment.

"When you have a panic attack list off random names." Your therapists voice rang out through your mind.

"Jack, Lisa, Sarah, Billy, Mara, Larry, Kara, Bella." You muttered to yourself as you paced up and down your room. (If one of those is your name, congrats you are the chosen ones)

"You'll never be free!"


"No one is coming to rescue you." Voices rang out through your mind as your hands began glowing.

"Shit, ok calm down." You muttered as you took three deep breaths and your hands returned to normal.

"My love everything's alright." A memory of a man flashed through your mind, he was always in your dreams and your flashbacks. All you knew was that his name was Loki.

"Promise you won't leave." You whispered as he kissed your forehead.

"Never." He whispered back.

You sighed and decided to get dressed and go for a run. It was the best way to clear your head. You through your clothes on and went out the door and into the early morning.

"I won't leave you."

"Kill him!"


You put your headphones in and blared music as you began running.


You sat on a park bench as you caught your breath. You saw a blonde man running along the park as you watched his amazing speed. Something didn't feel right, you couldn't quite place it but you knew something was off. You saw a man watching the blonde one as you eyed him suspiciously. The blonde man stopped running and you saw the other man stalk up to him, he placed a cloth over the mans mouth as he fell unconscious you got up and ran over.

"Hey! Stop!" You shouted as he turned around to you.

"Don't try to be a hero." He said as you glared at him.

"I'm not letting you leave with him." You growled as he burst out laughing.

"And what's a pretty thing like you gonna do?" He asked as he pulled out a gun.

"Step away princess." He said as you chuckled and pulled out your gun.

"Mines bigger." You growled as he fired at you, the bullets simply bounced off as he looked at you in awe.

"Amazing." He muttered, you took that chance to knock him unconscious as more agents ran towards you.

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