Steve - Villain

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(I used a few prompts for this one. What even is this??)

"Shh." You whispered as you wiped away the man's tears and kissed his forehead.

"Stop struggling you'll only make it worse." You whispered as he glared up at you from the chains he was bound by.

"S-Stop this. You're not going to get anything else out of me." He whispered as you stroked his cheek.

"I saw you Steve. You killed him. You killed Tony, you really think they are going to want you back after that. You're a monster now." You said as he shook his head and cried more.

"I-I didn't mean it! He's gone, he's really gone. I killed him!" He screamed as he began to sob. You knelt down to him and wiped away his tears.

"I know it hurts darling." You whispered as he looked up at you.

"Why am I here!?" He shouted as you smiled sadly.

"Because I accept you for you darling. You can never go back to your team, but you can stay here with me. Stay with someone who can care for you." You said as he shook his head.

"No, I won't stay here with you." He growled as you began undoing his chains.

"Fine, then leave." You said as Steve looked at you in shock. He tried to walk but fell to the ground and you smirked.

"I can't, I can't leave, I can't go back!" He cried out as you knelt down and held him gently to your chest.

"Shh, let me care for you." You whispered as he hesitantly relaxed into your grip.

"Why, why are you doing this?" He asked as you ran you hand through his hair.

"Because I see who you really are Steve. You're just like me, aren't you?" You whispered as he closed his eyes.

"I'm a monster." He whispered.

"So am I." You whispered back.

"There's another reason I'm keeping you alive, you deserve to know." You said as he looked at you in confusion.

"If you die so do I. I don't know how or why, but I know it's true. But don't worry, I'll take good care of you." You whispered as his eyes widened. He grabbed a piece of metal and was about to stab himself before you stopped him.

"Are you crazy!?" You shouted as you threw the metal across the room.

"If it takes killing myself to kill you I'll fucking do it!" He shouted as you growled lowly.

"I'll make you want me." You growled as he backed away from you.

"You can't just make someone love you! That's not how love works!" He shouted back as you grabbed him by the throat.

"Watch me." You hissed before you were knocked over by someone. You looked up to see Bucky and groaned.

"He's mine Barnes." You growled as you leapt at him but someone else grabbed you.

"Tony!?" You shouted as you looked up at him.

"Did you think I was dead? All of that was just a trap so we could get to you." He said as you glared at Steve.

"You'll pay for this!" You shouted before you were knocked out.

"We can't kill her, if she dies I die, and vice versa." He said as he watched you stir awake inside the prison cell.

"You'll pay for this Rogers." You growled as you glared at the man.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Tony groaned out.

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