Loki - Dark and Light

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"Sometimes it's hard to move on, I don't know if I want to move on. Maybe I shouldn't, he always told me to love again. But every time I think I do, I feel like I'm cheating on him. I know he told me to love again, but I don't know how to move on." You muttered as you looked out into the city.

"It's not like I can love anyone, no one wants to love a monster." You whispered.

"I'm not like everyone else, I don't have a normal life. I'm barely human, and I'm the only one of my kind. There's light beings and dark beings, they are born with a dark or light soul. I was born with both. So dark and light beings are constantly trying to get me on their side. They both have the power to either corrupt or heal a soul, I have the power to do both. And I can't even control it." You grumbled as you turned to the bird that sat next to you, it flew off as you scoffed.

"Yeah, I'd leave too." You groaned as you sighed and stood up on top of the building you were sitting on.

"Argh fuck, I forgot to feed those stray cats." You muttered as you let yourself fall from the building. The wind went through your hair as you sigh and landed on the ground on your feet. You snuck in the back entrance of a Chinese shop and stole their left over fish. You ran out and went into the alleyway where all the stray cats lived.

"Alright, dinner time!" You shouted as you put the box of dead fish on the ground. All the cats came running towards the box, your favourite came up to you and rubbed its head on your leg. You smiled and grabbed some squid for her.

"Saved the best for you." You whispered as you knelt down and fed her the squid.

"Ok, you play nice everyone." You said before you left. You walked down the streets and noticed a man walking in your direction. His aura and soul was very odd. Another man ran up to him as you went into the alleyway and then followed him.

"Loki, you can't just run away when things get hard! The Avengers have accepted you into their team, you should be grateful!" The man said as you threw your hood over you head and followed them down the street.

"But they still see me as a villain Thor!" He said as you raised your eyebrows.

"Ah, Loki. The one who destroyed half the city." You mumbled to yourself.

"That explains his soul." You muttered as you continued to follow them.

"I'll let you cool off brother, come back to the tower when you're ready." The blonde one said as he walked off, you continued following Loki as he stopped. Suddenly he vanished.

"Why are you following me?" You heard a voice say behind you as you turned around to see him.

"Wow, nice job." You said as he glared at you.

"Answer my question." He growled as you chuckled.

"Well, your soul seems very interesting. I was investigating further." You said as he raised an eyebrow. You turned around and began walking.

"Shall we?" You said as he scoffed and walked beside you.

"What do you mean my soul seems interesting?" He asked.

"Well, I know it isn't human or Asgardian like your brothers. You have a lot of darkness, but also a lot of light. For a lot of people it's one or the other." You said as he eyed you suspiciously.

"Who are you?" He asked as you stopped at a small churro cart.

"Y/N, want a churro?" You asked as he shook his head, you bought one for yourself and continued walking.

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