Bruce - Scars

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(Trigger warning, alcoholism, self harm, anger issues, toxic behaviour and swearing. No matter how many problems you have it's never ok to hurt others)

"Y/N I think that's enough for one night." Bruce said as he took your bottle of whiskey from you. You stood up and grabbed him from behind.

"Nooo, give it back." You grumbled as he tried to break free in doing so he dropped the bottle and shattered it on the ground. You pulled away from him and looked at him with anger in your eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" You shouted as Bruce flinched.

"Y/N, calm down." He said as you shoved him onto the ground.

"You useless fuck!" You shouted as Bruce tried to calm his breathing.

"Y/N stop." Bruce growled as you scoffed.

"Or what?" You teased as Bruce lost control and the hulk was soon standing in front of you.

"What!? You gonna fucking kill me!? Then fucking do it already!" You screamed as the hulk grabbed you roughly and threw you across the room. You groaned as you looked up and saw his fist coming down onto you.

"I know you can fucking do better than that you fucking cunt!" You shouted at him as he roared and grabbed you. He threw you across the room as you shattered the glass with your body. Everything slowed down as you felt yourself falling 30 stories below. Finally, this was it. You could finally fucking die.


"What did you become?" A voice asked as you looked up to see your big brother standing above you.

"A monster we all fucking know that. Congratulations mother fucker." You growled as you stood, he slapped you across the face.

"Look!" He demanded as he grabbed you and made you look into a pool that showed a vision of Bruce slowly cutting himself and crying.

"He's doing that because of you." Your brother growled as you felt hot tears pour from your eyes.

"N-No, Bruce. W-What have I done?" You whispered as he showed you another vision. It was you and Bruce alone at night in your bed, you saw him wake up from a nightmare. He was about to wake you up but he stopped himself and began to cry as he ran off.

"You're times up Y/N." Your brother said as you shook your head.

"N-No, you have to send me back! I-I'll make it right, I'll fix all my mistakes. Please I'm begging you, I need to go back. I need to fix this." You begged as everything began to fade.


"Thanks to his God like abilities he survived, but there's a lot of damage." Tony said as Bruce stared at your bruised and battered face.

"I-I did this." Bruce muttered as Tony sat next to him.

"What caused you to get angry?" Tony asked as Bruce looked down.

"N-Nothing, j-just an argument." He muttered as Tony looked at him sadly.

"We've all noticed how different Y/N was after the incident. Does he hit you?" He asked as Bruce looked at your face again.

"It's fine Tony. H-He doesn't mean it." He mumbled as Tony shook his head.

"That doesn't make it ok Bruce. When he wakes up we will get him help, but for the time being we are helping you." Tony said before he left.

"B-Bruce." You stuttered out as you slowly opened your eyes.

"Y/N!" Bruce shouted as he grabbed your hand gently.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I lost control." Bruce muttered over and over as you gently took hold of his face.

"Bruce, I'm truly sorry. For everything I've done to you. I love you more than anything, but my grief overtook everything. I hurt you. My love I'm so sorry for the way I hurt you. I promise you, if you still want me by your side I will spend everyday worshiping and loving you for who you are and I promise to get the help I need. And I promise, I truly promise I will never hurt you again." You whispered with tears in your eyes as Bruce looked at you in shock.

"Y/N." He muttered as you gently stroked his cheek.

"You are so beautiful and breath taking, you're the love of my life Bruce. I promise to you, I swear on every star there is that I will try my hardest to change and to never hurt those I love ever again. I love you so goddamn much, and I will spend every day of the rest of my life showing you how much I love you." You whispered as Bruce jumped up and hugged you tightly.

"My Y/N's back." He muttered as you smiled and hugged him back best you could. You kissed him gently before you pulled away and looked up at him placing your hand on his cheek again.

"I understand if you want to move on Bruce." You said as he leant into your touch.

"I'm going to stay here by your side and help you heal. But for the sake of myself, I won't ever let myself be treated like that again. There's no excuse for treating someone you love that way." He said as you smiled brightly.

"I love you so much." You whispered as you kissed him again.

"I love you too." He whispered as he gently leant his head on your chest.


Bruce didn't leave your side the entire time you went through physical and mental therapy. You were unable to walk or really do anything but you made sure that everyday you wrote a small letter to Bruce. Even if it was three words or five hundred, you knew these small things would help you both recover. After the gruelling weeks of therapy you were finally able to walk with a cane. Your therapist suggested that you needed to help Bruce understand love for himself again, understand that even covered in scars he was still beautiful. So that's exactly what you did.

It was about 7pm when Bruce was finally done with work, he was met with a perfectly clean room, the bed filled with cushions and chocolates and rose pedals leading to the bathroom. He cautiously stepped in as he saw a lovely bath set out with candles, wine and of course you. You gently reached him as you kissed his forehead.

"I want to help you realise how beautiful you are." You whispered as you slowly helped him undress.

"Are you joining me?" He asked as you smiled.

"That's completely up to you my love." You whispered as he smiled and began to help you take off your clothes.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered as you both stood naked in front of each other admiring the scars you shared. You gently helped Bruce into the bathtub and stepped in behind him as you held him to your chest. You gently massaged oils into his skin as you softly sang to him, you ran your hands along his scarred wrist as you held them up to your lips and kissed each scar.

"I love every part of you, every bruise, every curve and every scar." You whispered, as Bruce completely relaxed against you.

"I love you too, every scar and every bad memory. I love each and every part of you." He whispered as you gently kissed his shoulder.

"You truly are something special." You replied as he smiled softly.

"I learnt love wasn't about possession or material things. Love is equality, it's comfort, it's safety, trust. I've lied so many time with that word, but when I look at you deep down in my heart I know I truly love you. Because without a doubt in my mind it's always you I want to come home to."

(I know you needed this right now, I also know you'll make the right decision)

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