Memories - Part 2

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Loki quickly stood in front of you protectively as Steve rushed into the tent.

"Step away from her Loki." Steve growled as Loki grabbed you and held you closed.

"Y/N, has he hurt you?" Steve asked as you shook your head.

"I would never hurt her, not like you monsters." Loki growled back.

"Save it Loki, Tony told me everything." Steve said as you looked at him in confusion.

"I don't know what lies that man is feeding you but I can promise I've never hurt you. You are the ones injecting her and hurting her everyday." Loki replied as Steve's face fell.

"Y/N." Steve muttered as you broke free and ran to him, you hugged him as he held you tightly.

"I-I thought w-we were the good guys. Tony said everything we did was to protect you." Steve whispered.

"Well I hate to break it to you Captain but you are most certainly not the good guys." Loki growled.

"W-We can help Stevie. He can stay here." You muttered as you looked at Loki.

"I'm not risking the entire rebellion for one traitor." Loki hissed.

"T-Than I'm going back with Steve. I won't leave him." You muttered as Loki's face fell.

"Y/N, this isn't you." He said as you clenched your fists.

"This is me now Loki! You're in love with someone I used to be! I'm not her anymore!" You shout as he stared at you in shock.

"I'm sorry Y/N. You can both stay here. I'll set up a tent." He mumbled sadly before leaving. Suddenly you felt bad about what you said.

"I-I didn't mean to upset anyone." You whispered as you looked away from Steve. He gently lifted your chin up and smiled.

"It's ok dear, he understands. I can tell he loves you very much, he just needs to understand the girl he loved is gone. Because of Tony, because of me." He whispered as he looked down.

"You didn't know Steve. You thought you were doing good." You muttered as he smiled sadly.

"I won't let Tony anywhere near you." He said as you hugged him.

"I missed you." You whispered as he ran his hand through your hair.

"I missed you too. I was terrified you were gone forever." He replied.

"What was that serum?" You asked as he looked at you sadly.

"It was to make sure you were stable and unconscious while we drew your energy and power to use, and to make you more submissive." He whispered as he looked away from you.

"It's in the past now." You whispered as he nodded.

"I should talk to Loki, I'm feeling less vulnerable now." You said as you both exited the tent.

"Stick close to me, a lot of people here want you dead." You said as he nodded and followed you. You saw Loki alone at the waterfall.

"Just wait here." You muttered as Steve nodded and let you walk off to Loki.

"Loki, we should talk." You muttered as he looked at you sadly. You sat beside him on the ground and took his hand.

"I'm beginning to remember bits and pieces of us. But I need you to know we could never be that again, what they did to me changed me forever. I know I still care about you Loki, and I hope you don't hate this version of me." You said as he smiled a little.

"I could never hate you dear." He whispered as you returned his smile.

"I understand you've changed. You love him don't you?" He asked sadly as you nodded.

"Y-Yeah I do." You whispered as you looked back at Steve.

"I'm sorry Loki." You said as he hugged you.

"Don't be sorry Y/N. It'll be hard to move on but I'm still happy for you. And I hope I can help you and Steve stay safe here." He said as you smiled and hugged him back tightly.

"Thank you Loki." You whispered.

"Y/N!" You heard Steve shouted as you looked over and saw him running towards you.

"Tony's here." He muttered as your eyes widened. You and Loki stood as you ran back to the camp and began preparing.

"I can use my power to fight him off." You said as Loki nodded and you both went seperate ways.

"Stay close to me, please Y/N. I can't lose you again." Steve said as he grabbed you.

"I'm not going anywhere." You said as you smiled.

"There's the traitors." You heard a voice say as you looked up and saw Tony.

"You can't fucking control me anymore." You growled as he chuckled and walked up to you. He held a needle in front of your face as he smirked.

"Why don't you be a good girl and take your needle." He said as you felt yourself becoming dizzy. Steve tackled Tony to the ground as you snapped out of your trance and shattered the needle. You summoned your power as light surrounded you. Suddenly everything stopped as you looked over and saw Steve with an arrow through his chest.

"No!" You screamed as a surge of energy was released and everyone close to you apart from Steve was incinerated. You knelt down to Steve with your eyes glowing as he looked up at you. You leant in and kissed him as your energy swirled around his body and wound. You focused on healing him and not losing him. The wound stitched itself up as you pulled away and looked down at him.

"Y/N." He mumbled as you kissed him again.

"I love you." He whispered as you smiled.

"I love you too." 

Marvel Oneshots - Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant