Safe? - Part 2

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You found your car outside and quickly got in, you placed Moochie in the back and all your stuff in the boot. You paused for a bit before looking back at what you did call home.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked as you started the car.

'It's fine.' You signed as he nodded.

'Can you read my lips while I drive? It'll be too hard to sign.' You asked as he nodded. You began to drive down the empty streets, you were glad no one was out. You just hoped you didn't run into any police. You switched on the radio and softly hummed along as you thought about everything that had just happened.

"I won't let them hurt you." Bucky mumbled as he looked over to you.

"Thank you Bucky." You said as you smiled softly, he smiled back as he looked out the window again.

The drive was about 4 hours and you had no problem driving the whole way. Bucky slept through most of it and Moochie eventually ended up on Bucky's lap. You gently shook Bucky awake as you stopped a few miles from the house.

"We can walk from here, I don't want someone following the number plates." You said as he nodded, he helped Moochie out of the car and you began walking through the thick forest. You were excited to come back to your Grandma's place. It was basically a mansion, as a child it was your castle.

You finally reached the house and Bucky's eyes widened as you chuckled. You led him inside as Moochie ran around crazily sniffing everything.

'It's a little old and dusty but no one know's this place is out here. Plus my Grandma was a witch so she's got a lot of protection around here.' You signed as he smiled and nodded. You led him to a spare bedroom across from the one you were staying in. Luckily everything on the property was run by solar so the electricity and water still worked.

"Why didn't you come here in the first place? Why be in the city?" Bucky asked as you sighed.

'A lot of memories here.' Is all you said as he nodded knowingly.

"We'll have to go down to the closest store tomorrow and get a few things." You said as he nodded, you led him down stairs and got him to sit down in front of you.

"I need to check your wounds." You said as he nodded. You gently lifted his shirt and checked to make sure there was no bleeding. Suddenly you felt his cold hand on your face and you looked up at him. He slowly led your face to his as you paused for a moment. You couldn't help but lean in and kiss him as he held your face gently. He stood up and pressed against the wall not breaking the kiss. You both held onto each other and kissed desperately before Moochie started barking and your little bubble was burst. You looked out the window and saw Hydra agents.

"Shit." You swore as you grabbed your dog and locked him into a room with some food and water. You grabbed your gun and handed one to Bucky. You hid behind a wall as the Hydra agents crept into the house.

"I'm sorry Grandma." You whispered before you shot at them. You took down three but there were five more. One grabbed you from behind but you easily threw him off as Bucky took down the other four. You steadied your breath before you felt someone grabbed you again. A cold gun touched your forehead as you looked to Bucky.

"Not another step soldier." He growled as Bucky glared at him.

"It's time to go, come with us and we will spare her. If not I'll fucking kill her in front of you." He hissed as you elbowed him in the stomach and threw him to the floor. You jumped onto him and wrestled him for the gun. Bucky was about to shoot when he heard the gun go off, the man looked at you with an evil smirk as you felt the pain run through your body.

"No." Bucky whispered as he grabbed the agent and slammed him against a wall.

"You fucking dick!" He screamed before he shot him in the head and rushed to your side. Moochie broke out of the room and instantly cuddled into your side.

"No, Y/N please." Bucky said as you felt your ribs where you had been shot.

"I'm sorry Bucky."

You woke up with a gasp as you looked around and saw you were in a hospital. You panicked but instantly calmed when you saw Bucky beside you, his eyes fluttered open as he held onto your hand softly.

"It's ok, you're safe." He whispered as you shook your head.

"No, they will find us here." You said as he kissed your forehead.

"We don't have too worried about them anymore." He said as you looked at him in confusion. You looked over and saw Tony Stark and Steve Rogers walk in.

"It's a long story but shield isn't after you anymore and we will protect Bucky from Hydra." Steve said as you looked at them in shock.

"No more running Y/N, we're safe." Bucky whispered as you started to cry, Bucky hugged you gently.

"Wait where's Moochie!" You shouted as Steve chuckled.

"The little mutt is probably pooping in the tower as we speak." Tony ground as you chuckled.

"He's safe Y/N don't worry." Steve said as you thanked him.

You couldn't believe it, after all this time you were actually free. Free from shield and free to live your life. You looked at Bucky and smiled as he leant in and kissed you.

"We're safe." 

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