Loki - Both!?

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It was around 2am at night as you and Loki were making out in the hallway and giggling.

"Why don't we just go to your room?" You asked.

"Thor is next door, and we can't go to yours because Steve is next door. We said we would keep this a secret for a while remember." He said as you chuckled.

"Yes I remember." You said as you leant in and kissed him again. You heard footsteps as you both looked up.

"Y/N?" You heard Steve said as you shoved Loki behind pot plant.

"H-Hey Steve. What are you doing up?" You asked as he looked concerned.

"Couldn't sleep so I thought I'd get some fresh air. What are you doing awake?" He asked as you stuttered for an answer.

"Y-Yeah um the same, couldn't sleep." You said as you smiled awkwardly. He stepped forward and felt your forehead.

"Are you ok? You seem unwell." He said as you nodded.

"I-I'm fine!" You said as he held your cheek in his hand.

"You can talk to me Y/N." He said as you ducked away from him and began walking the other way.

"No I'm fine! Well I better get going." You said as you fake yawned and ran off to your room. You opened the door seeing Loki waiting for you.

"He likes you." He said with a sour face.

"Loki it's ok, I don't like him like that. I love you, and I would never leave you for anyone else." You said as you placed your hand on his cheek and smiled, he relaxed a bit and hugged you.

"I'm sorry darling, I can't help it. I just get so scared that one day you'll realise how much of a monster I am, and you'll leave." He mumbled as you looked up at him.

"I don't care about what you've done in the past. I love you for who you are now, and if you think you're a monster then I'll still love you. I love every part of you, even the dark parts. I love you so much." You said as he teared up a bit and hugged you to his chest.

"I don't know what I would do without you. I love you." He whispered as you smiled, you pulled him down into the bed and cuddled into him. He relaxed and wrapped his arms around you as you fell asleep together.

"Y/N." You heard someone say outside your door with a gentle knock. You woke up and rubbed your eyes.

"Shit it's Thor. Loki hide!" You whispered as you pushed him onto the floor, he groaned and slid under the bed as you stopped yourself from laughing.

"Come in!" You called out as Thor opened your door with a smile.

"Lady Y/N, you look beautiful as always." He said as you smiled a little, Loki gagged underneath the bed and rolled his eyes.

"T-Thanks." You mumbled as he walked in and sat on the side of your bed.

"I was wondering if you would like to have some lunch with me today?" He asked, you had planned to have lunch with Loki today, among other things.

"U-Um I'm actually meeting up with a friend in the city today. Sorry Thor." You said as he smiled.

"Not to worry Lady Y/N! Another time then." He said before he left and you sighed as Loki climbed out from under the bed and grumbled.

"Now my brother has fallen under your spell as well?" He said angrily as you chuckled.

"You think this is funny?" He asked as you stood up.

"Calm down my love, I was laughing because it so happens that you fell under my spell as well. Pretty hard too." You said as you leant in and kissed him.

"I promised you that I only have eyes for you." You whispered as he nodded and kissed you again.

"So, you excited for our date?" He asked as he smirked.

"Very excited." You said as you both chuckled.

Lunch time came around as you and Loki were about to head downstairs. You heard yelling as you went down stairs and saw Thor and Steve fighting.

"Guys, what the hell is going on?" You asked as they both looked at you in shock.

"Fine, let's let Y/N decide." Thor said as you looked at them in confusion.

"Which one of us do you like the most?" He asked.

"In what way?" You asked cautiously.

"Which one of us do you want to date?" Steve asked as your eyes widened in shock.

"Ummm." You said before Loki stepped in.

"She doesn't like either of you, Y/N and I are together. So both of you need to back off before I make you!" Loki shouted as he glared at them both.

"Y/N, is this true." Thor asked as you nodded.

"Yes, I love Loki. We've been together for a while now. I love him more than anything." You said as you turned around and kissed Loki.

"Well that settles it." 

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