Yian Kut-Ku and Yian Garuga

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"Alright! Now we're talking! I'm getting two monsters! Now my day is going perfect!" Roman cheered.

"You're not gonna get TWO monsters, Dum-Dum. One of the other." Neo told him.

"So, Yian Kut-Ku or Yian Garuga. Both sound... interesting. I'm assuming they belong to the same family of creature, then?" Penny asked.

"Precisely. Although it will be pretty easy to tell that they're one messed up family." Razara said.

"That's putting it mildly." Tekko agreed.

"They can't be any more messed up than our family." Yang laughed.

"Yang! We have a lovely family. Certainly not a traditional one, but lovely nonetheless." Summer told her.

"Right... Sorry, Mom." She apologized.

"Too bad. I was willing to bet on them being more messed up than our family." Qrow said.

Summer's eyes darkened at this. "Qrow... You will not be gambling with my daughters. Understood?" She demanded.

"Y-yes, ma'am." Qrow said fearfully.

"We should probably start before anyone attacks anyone else." Cinder suggested.

"Good idea." Katana said, playing the next episode.

Everything was black as Rage began to speak. "There's one monster we've been leaving out! One monster we've been disrespecting! Well, it's time to make up for that mistake! It's-!" He spoke, before the scene opened up to a wet forest area with tall trees and waterfalls with sped-up rap music playing as a bird Wyvern, smaller and slimmer than most flying Wyverns seen up to this point, descended down into this forest area. Through some clever music video-like edits, the creature ran forward with its wings spread out, approaching some strange crab creatures that curl up into a ball to defend themselves, but all for naught as the beast simply at them. It was then shown walking through a mountainous area. "Oh yes, everyone! How could we not talk about the monster who's literally known as 'The Strange Bird'?" Rage questioned as the creature obliviously walked past Aylia as she walked by in in a slow crouch.

Everyone was surprised to see Roman would be getting such an awkward and derpy wyvern. "Well... That was pretty unexpected." Summer said, trying to hold back laughter while Roman himself cringing at its appearance.

"You've gotta be kidding me! I was Vale's greatest criminal mastermind! I have a reputation! I can't be seen with that thing." Roman cried out.

"Really? Because I think it's the perfect fit for you." Cinder taunted.

Neo, Ruby, Yang, Coco, Nora, Cinder, Emerald and even Weiss and Blake laugh when the hear it's title. The Strange Bird. "Yep! That's my Dum-Dum, alright!" Neo laughed.

"Neo, you traitor!" Roman shouted.

"Dang. If I had my old flask, I'd say you need it more than I do." Qrow told him.

"Yian Kut-Ku, an old, old Bird Wyvern who was discovered in the first generation of the hunting commission and for many veteran hunters so long ago, including myself amongst their number, was the first air quotes, 'proper Wyvern' they faced, because nobody gives a fuck about Velocidrome!" Rage explained, laughing at the expense of a blue and red, black-striped raptor.

Ruby and Velvet frowned at the host constantly insulting lesser monsters. "Why does he always have to be so mean? Poor little raptor." Ruby said sadly.

"I know. I like his videos, but Rage can be such a jerk to some monsters." Velvet said, pouting.

"To be fair there are plenty of monsters that people hate for one reason or another, while others like them. Whether it's their appearance, their OP abilities, or cheap battle tactics. It's really all a matter of perspective." Katana defended Rage's opinion.

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