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A/N: Thanks as always to my buddy qazse for help with reactions!

The top of an ancient tower was shown, with countless tiny dragons flying all around, with one large Elder Dragon asleep atop some kind of throne. "An emperor ruling from on high. He calls his own army from the sky. The time to fight... Is nigh." Rage declared with his usual ominous echo as the Elder Dragon woke up and jumped down from its throne, roaring as its minions flew outward as everything went black.

Everyone was left in awe at the opening. "Whoa... That was so cool!" Ruby cried out, before looking to her fellow team leader. "Jaune, you saw that, right?! It's like he's sitting on a throne!" She said excitedly.

"I know, right!? And its horns look like it's wearing a crown fit for a king!" Jaune geeked out as well.

"Don't forget how epic that then music was!" Yang said.

"Yep. Presentation definitely gets a pass. I think we're definitely gonna like this monster." Coco agreed.

"Don't be too hasty, students. Remember, many of the most beautiful monsters had far darker undertones." Ozpin reminded them.

A hunter then rushed at the dragon with a greatsword while the beast jumped down from its throne again. "Let's talk then, my fellow hunters, Guanzorumu. A true regal powerhouse, a king in his prime and one of the most impressive and deadly Elder Dragons to exist. This is the Emperor Conqueror Dragon and he has his own entire kingdom, staffed with soldiers at his beck and call and no hunter has EVER returned from facing him." Rage declared as the hunter fought the beast, evading its charge and diving attacks, before getting a few hits in.

"Okay, now THAT is a title! Just imagine what it would've had to do to get a title like that. Whatever it did must have been next level badass." Neo said.

"Yeah, top five titles we've heard so far, EASY." Roman agreed.

"But did I hear that right? That it has its own soldiers at its beck and call?" Glynda asked in concern.

"No, s-surely he must be exaggerating something or taking it out of context. How would he even know this if no one has returned from facing it?" Winter questioned, trying to deny the information she was just given.

"They may have gotten word out about it somehow. But if he's not exaggerating, that means this creature is intelligent enough to command an army. And if it's that intelligent, what else might it be capable of plotting? What does it plan to do with that army." Ironwood asked, mind already going to the worst case scenario of the dragon leading an assault on Atlas.

"Gotta say, though, Rage does a good job describing it. It really does look like an emperor and a powerhouse. It's underside with all those sharp spikes could probably shred you like a cheese grater. Right down to Parmesan!" Nora declared as she eyed the creature, everyone scooching away from her.

The Elder Dragon then made a huge circle of fire around it, which then exploded as it leapt back. "But to go on the journey of this mighty beast is to first go to a journey that will lead you to the Cloud Viewing Fortress. As the name might imply, it is a MIGHTY structure, wrought by the Ancient Civilization, TOWERING above, it is COLOSSAL." Rage declared as an image of this "tower" was shown from the top where two hunters stood, where it looked more like an entire city. "Stretching as far as the eye can see, in it's prime, would've housed THOUSANDS. Used as a research base to- well, cloud view." Rage elaborated as a cloudy gray sky was then zoomed in on with an ominous choir in the background. "Yep! It's a cloud!" Rage confirmed as the cloud was zoomed in on a bit more.

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