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Really? You're giving Pyrrha: sweet, innocent, lovable Pyrrha, a giant, freaky spider?" Jaune asked in disbelief, unaware of Pyrrha glowing neon red from the blush she sustained due to Jaune's compliments.

"Thank you, Jaune. But I really don't mind. I've always enjoyed spiders." Pyrrha told him.

"Wow. Never would've taken you for the type, invincible girl." Cinder stated.

"And spiders can be totally awesome! They can jump and make huge webs and have super poison and all that good stuff!" Nora declared.

"And they're quite useful for getting rid of bugs and other small pests." Ren admitted.

"Yep. Spiders are pretty good and this one is the best..." Katana said, before remembering the newly discovered spider. "For now..." She said under her breath and starting the video.

A very catchy song that sounded like it was from another cartoon was heard as an armored female hunter was seen walking through a barren mountainous area, with a very massive and noticeable spider web strewn high above. As she went under the wen, something was seen rapidly crawling above her, barely giving the audience a glimpse of what they saw. The Huntress then looked down when she noticed her foot was trapped in a pile of webbing. She struggled to free her foot as the point of view of a creature with green-tinted vision was shown, before revealing it to be a massive, six-eyed spider. A woman's scream could then be heard as the spider shot a web line from its mouth, wrapping up the Huntress and pulling her up to the web above with a strangely cartoonish boing sound effect, before it all went black.

"NOPE!" Ozpin and Ironwood declared together and crossed their arms into an X sign.

Everyone looked at them in shock and disbelief. (These guys control the academies that train the protectors of the world?) Everyone thought.

"You better hope Salem doesn't find out." Cinder said with a smirk.

"Oh, she already knows. That's why she created spider-like Grimm in the first place. Even when we were together and dating, she would scare me with a toy spider. She even got our daughters in on it." He declared without missing a beat.

"Why were you so scared of them?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, a bad experience with a now extinct species of spider." Ozpin explained. [1]

"I liked that theme song, though." Jaune noted.

"Yeah, it's probably from a good show." Ruby agreed.

"Beware ye who travel to the hollow sunken, a dormant volcano lie-eth within and monsters without. The dark, the warmth, the damp, all allies to the mistress of death, the shadow spider, yet you will not see her. She will see you. Everywhere lies a trap. The walls, the floors, the ceiling, all lined with sticky tendrils, just desperate to reach out their binding grasps and hold you fast as you wait her merciless judgement. Her mandibles of impressive length..." Rage began as Aylia was seen wandering around a volcanic-looking landscape, much of it strewn with spider webs all around. She was even seen walking on top of the webbing at some points.

"Impressive length!?" Neo asked, bursting out in laughter immediately afterwards.

"It sounds like he's reading from a fanfiction now, with that tone." Winter said, facepalming

Yang grinned and teased Blake, nudging her side a bit. "What do you think, Blake? Sound like something from one of your books?" She asked, Blake pushing her back and turning away, blushing madly.

"He certainly could've worded it better." Pyrrha said, blushing a bit.

"I do not understand." Penny said.

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