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A/N: Hello, everyone! I just want to thank you for enjoying this story. I'm absolutely amazed by how well received it was. And I hope you'll enjoy this and all future chapters as much or more than you did the last one.

And sorry to everyone that doesn't like or has issues with RageGamingVideos lore. I know he can be pretty biased and he DEFINITELY makes up some parts of lore, but he's still one of the best and really only sources of lore for many monsters. I know there are more, but not very many more lore channels out there and many of them haven't covered the monsters he has. But know that in cases where there are better examples of lore, I'll do my best to use those instead.

"Oh, yeah! I can't wait! Show me my awesome lightning monster! I bet it's gonna some kind of crazy thunder wolf! Or may super electric dragon-bug hybrid!" Nora declared excitedly.

"If you don't calm down and watch, we'll never know, Nora." Ren reminded her.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Nora said, sitting down.

"I always thought lightning would be my second element of choice after ice." Weiss noted.

"Well, let's see what you've got to show us, Katana." Qrow said, raising his drink.

"You got it." Katana complied, starting the next video. To say the group wasn't expecting the first clip would be an understatement.

A cartoon was then shown of an incredibly fluffy pink unicorn with wide eyes and a huge smile as it danced on a rainbow. "Pink, fluffy unicorns~ dancing on rainbows!" A voice sang as very transparent, yet still visible thunderclouds could be seen.

"Really?" Qrow asked, deadpanned.

"You have got to be kidding..." Ironwood asked.

"No way! I don't believe it! I can't ride that thing into battle!" Nora cried out.

"Wait a minute. Is it just me, or does that look like storm clouds?" Weiss pointed out.

"Pink, fluffy uni-" The song was suddenly interrupted by several huge flashes of lightning, as a glowing, almost crystalline-looking cyan unicorn with a white beard and mane and dark blue lightning bolt-like stripes over its body slowly walked into view.

"Neigh..." The familiar voice of the narrator from the last viewing said in a deep tone. "And now, you're going to die!" An automated feminine voice declared, before techno music began playing as the unicorn rose onto its hind legs, kicking them out wildly, before landing back on all fours and scraping one of its hooves on the ground for preparation and intimidation as more mystical, intense music began to play.

Everyone jumped at the lightning strike, before witnessing this new unicorn in awe. "Well, now. That's more like it." Cinder said with a smirk, admiring the more dangerous vibe from this unicorn.

"That thing's awesome!" Jaune said.

"And it certainly does feel like it'd connect well with Nora." Ren admitted.

"Hello, my fellow hunters! It's time to talk, then, about the psychopath. The murderous death pony who spends his time pretending to be calm, relaxed, peaceful... when in secret, he spends his evenings plotting, planning the most painful way to rip off your head and send thunder down the stump." The narrator declared in a vicious tone as a female hunter in red armor with a massive sword on her back that appeared to have rockets on it was walking beside the monster as it walked along peacefully.

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