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A/N: Thanks as always to my friend qazse for help with reactions and to my brother Sai Blade for making both the video and the script. The video in question is "Parasite Panic! Qurio Lore". Be sure to check it out and watch/listen along as you read the chapter.

Sai simply stood around as a ticking sound was heard as if waiting for the host to begin. "Yeah, I don't have an intro for this one. This is just a straight up Bdellophobia warning." he warned. Crickets were heard as the people he usually interacted with stood around, not seeming to care about his warning. "Huh. Was kind of expecting a bigger reaction than that." The host noted awkwardly as he looked back and forth.

"What?! No intro?! Blasphemy!" Yang snapped.

"Yeah! We're getting cheated!" Ruby shouted alongside her sister.

But then they heard the phobia warning. "Bdellophobia? Oh, dear..." Glynda said, looking to Pyrrha and Weiss in concern.

"Yes, I doubt they'll find this very enjoyable." Ozpin agreed, following both Glynda's gaze and train of thought.

Penny then took Weiss' hand in her own. "Stay strong, Weiss. We'll make it through this together. You as well, Pyrrha." She assured both girls.

Both girls who were confused at this sudden support, unsure of what Bdellophobia was. "Thank... you?" They both said uncertainly.

"Bdellophobia? Never heard of it. Any of you?" Ilia asked.

"Nope." Most of the less studious students admitting.

"Maybe it's the fear of delis? Some people might think those slicers are scary." Nora theorized.

"I DOUBT that's the case, Nora. But, I can't think of what else it might be." Ren admitted.

The admiral was then shown. "Probably because no one here knows what Bdellophobia is. Sounds trendy." The former commission leader said dismissively, not taking whatever this phobia was seriously.

"Wow. Must be a pretty lame phobia if none of them know. Like, something no one would ever be afraid of." Neo said.

"Or, at the very least, decently rare or at least uncommon." Cinder agreed.

Suddenly, the Fiver Bro must have only JUST started paying attention, as he suddenly screamed like a girl at the mention of the phobia. "Huh. Of all the people to get it, I wasn't expecting it to be you." Sai noted as he approached the gluttonous hunter.

"Wait, HE knows, of all people?!" Blake asked in disbelief.

"Well... It's about time he proves useful for something." Winter said.

"Never thought we'd see the day." Coco agreed.

"I want to say you guys are being mean... but you're also not wrong." Velvet admitted.

Aiden was then shown. "So, what is it, then!? Come on, don't leave us in suspense!" The Ace Hunter demanded impatiently, not enjoying being out of the loop.

The Fiver Bro was the one to explain it. "I-i-it's the fear... Of leeches and lamprey!" He shakily told the others. Almost immediately after, they all- minus Sai and the Fiver Bro- let out a girlish scream as well.

After the phobia was revealed, everyone slowly looked to Weiss and Pyrrha, both of whom were deathly pale, looks of pure dread on their faces and they were quickly working up a cold sweat. "Oh, please no..." They both pleaded.

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