Great Wroggi and Great Baggi

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A/N: Thanks to qazse as always for help with reactions and to Siats4197, or Manzac11 on YouTube, for making the video and supplying me with the script for it. The video is titled "Kamura Village Animal Guide Edition | Part 1: Lemme Smash 2/2 (Great Wroggi & Great Baggi)". Go check it out and support him, it is criminal that he has under 100 subs. The video has a LONG intro, which we don't cover in the chapter, so skip to 6:45.

Upbeat, wild music played as two different scenes were shown bit-by-bit: a Popo was seen being chased by two small, blue raptors and chased into a dead end blocked by a cliff, on top of which stood a larger alpha of the raptors, spitting a glob of blue liquid down on the Popo, which caused it to become weary before falling asleep. Then, two orange raptors were seen squaring off against three Jagras, but then a much larger version of the raptors ambushed the Jagras from behind and unleashed a glob of poison, bursting as a cloud of smoke that consumed and killed the lizards.

"Ooh, raptors. I always had a bit of a soft spot for them." Cinder admitted.

"And it seems both versions rely on chemical warfare." Ironwood noted.

"I-it looked like the blue raptor made that Popo fall asleep. That's got to be horrifying, starting to fall asleep knowing a dangerous predator nearby, then being killed while you fall asleep so you never know what happened to you..." Velvet said fearfully, stroking her bunny ears to calm herself down.

"Then again, that's probably the way most would want to go out, going peacefully in your sleep, not knowing if something happened to you." Hazel countered.

"Not me. I'm going out in battle. This, I know for a fact." Adam declared.

A phylogenetic tree was then seen, showing the lineage of Bird Wyverns. "Great Baggi and Great Wroggi are under the classification of Bird Wyverns, called the Dog Wyverns." Rakka Suripa asked as the phylogenetic tree zoomed in to focus on a small superfamily of five Wyvern species. "Now what is a Dog Wyvern?" Glad you asked!" Rakka declared as the image of a wide-eyed staring dog popped up with a big boom noise as a jumpscare.

"Oh, hey, a new guy." Yang noted.

"Yep. Rakka Suripa. You might remember he got some footage for one of Sai's videos, but now he actually took it upon himself to make his own video." Katana confirmed.

"Well, it's nice to see more people willing to take initiative and help spread knowledge about these creatures." Winter said approvingly.

Ruby and a few others giggled when Rakka rolled his r's when he pronounced Wroggi. "That's really fun! I'm gonna start doing that now!" The young scythe-wielder giggled.

Weiss rolled her eyes at this. "Ugh... I can already see the migraines coming in the future." She groaned.

"Oh, come on, Weiss! That just sounds like the best way to say it!" Nora told her.

"But why are they called 'Dog Wyvern-'" Blake began, a bit unsettled by the title, before leaping up and hissing as the dog jumpscare happened, falling behind the couch.

"You REALLY need to work on that." Ilia told the cat girl with a deadpanned expression.

The screen was black as the shuffling of papers was then heard. "Hold up, I need to actually get something. Hold on for a sec." Rakka muttered to himself, before finally revealing an anatomy chart of a different Dog Wyvern, called a Great Jaggi, as an example. "Ah, here it is! So, unlike most Bird Wyverns that have lighter bones, like Malfesto for flight and Kulu-Ya-Ku for cursoriality, the Dog Wyverns are a bit different. While the smaller members of the pack retain the light bone structure and cursorial pursuit hunting, one or two of the alphas will retain a more compact bone structure. They most likely will rely on their ambush hunting, while signaling to the pack to chase/tire out the animal towards them." The host explained as images of the various Wyverns he mentioned were shown.

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