Kulve Taroth

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A/N: Big thanks to my good friend Insane Boy for the script of this chapter.

"After vanishing for decades, Kulve Taroth, the elusive elder dragon hiding deep within caverns of gold and silver, has only recently emerged. Welcome back to TDS, my name is Chris and I welcome you to another very exciting lore video." Chris said as a large golden dragon looking beast was shown on the screen.

When they got a full view of it and its gold, Nora, Ruby and Neo looked on with sparkles in their eyes. "So shiny... so sparkly..." They all said.

"So much lien. My great-grandkids would be set for life." Neo added.

Many more were in awe at the creature. "It's beautiful... All that gold. Against her black scales, it works perfectly." Coco said, mystified.

And Roman, of course, had lien signs in his eyes and drooling like Blake when she had a fish. "Katana! You have GOT to put those on Remnant!" He told her.

"Well... they're definitely up there as one of the least dangerous Elder Dragons as long as no one messes with them. It should be fine." Katana decided.

"This was the first siege added to the new world. A new type of hunt where up to four separate teams of hunters joined forces to achieve one goal investigating tracking and finally confronting the glorious dragon. This challenge calls for hunters to work together as a team and rely on each other." Chris explained with Kulve shown on screen to be covered in a massive gold coat of armor as well as having a pair of massive golden horns.

Weiss was shocked at the amount of gold in the cave. "All that gold must be worth more than the Schnee Dust Company itself!" She said in disbelief.

The rest were more impressed they developed sieges just for Kulve Taroth. "It must be an incredibly powerful monster if multiple groups of hunters are needed for an entirely different type of hunting." Ironwood stated.

"Indeed, but it stresses the importance of teamwork. Different groups doing different things, all for the sake of one common goal." Ozpin said, approving of such methods.

"But does that much work really have to go into targeting one monster?" Cinder questioned.

"A very large monster. And with that kind of size, it's got to be strong." Hazel reminded her.

"It is indeed. One cubic foot of gold is over twelve hundred pounds! Based on the video, I was able to measure Kulve Taroth as 150 feet long. I would need more measurements of its body and obviously only its coating is gold, not its full body, but assuming at least 100 square feat of gold, Kulve must have at least 120,600 pounds! That's at least 60 tons. And that's an incredibly low-balled estimate!" Penny said. [1]

"Oh, my god! That thing's a total unit! I like that." Yang said in amazement.

"So, it definitely is as strong as it is big. They had similar sieges for when Lao Shan Lung showed up, so it makes sense they do it for something just as big and strong." Ilia said.

"Setting her apart from so many other monsters around her Kulve Taroth is unique in that her siege is not always available as hunters must wait for her to reappear. Kulve has a history of vanishing starting around 40 years before the events of the new world." Chris said as Kulve was shown walking in her cavern before vanishing with the power of editing.

"Oh, that makes more sense. So hunters break up into different groups to look at different times as well. That's very efficient." Ren praised.

"And it's a good way to ensure one group isn't doing too much work at one time." Blake added.

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