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A/N: Thanks as always to my friend qazse for help with reaction ideas. He's basically a co-author at this point.

A dark screen gave way to some sort of heavily-armed fortress as intense music played. After a few more shots of the fortress, an Elder Dragon with very uniquely-shaped wings was seen flying to the fortress at high speeds. It quickly flew through the grounds of the fortress as cannons fired at it, but missed by a massive margin. The dragon then landed and roared, unleashing a circle of strange black mist, crackling with blue energy and red lightning. Then, after a moment, large chunks of metal rose up from the ground around it and, after the beast reared onto its hind legs and roared again, the metal chunks were sent flying with a burst of the red and blue energy.

"Whoa! That one looks so cool!" Ruby said.

"Yeah. I don't think we've seen anything with wings like that before." Coco agreed.

"The closest I think we've seen to something like that is Kecha Wacha." Qrow said.

"But where is the joint that allows them to flap properly? Without that, it shouldn't be able to flex its wings enough to get lift and fly." Emerald questioned.

"I have to agree with Emerald? They seem highly inefficient for sustained flight. They appear to be far better suited for gliding." Penny noted.

"We'll just have to watch and listen, I guess." Summer said.

Suddenly, a man was seen raising his fists into the air in excitement, text on his forehead labeling him as "Hunters". "Yeah, bitch! Magnets! Oh!" The man cheered, pacing back in forth in excitement with the image of this new dragon superimposed in front of him.'

A few of them chuckled at this. "Freaking magnets! How do they work?" Nora said, earning a few more laughs.

"I knew I wasn't the only one who knew the Lunatic Jester Brigade!" Jaune exclaimed.

A longsword-wielding hunter then charged towards the dragon in the desert as the dragon roared at him. "Hello then, my fellow hunters and welcome back to monster lore as today, we examine Rukodiora, the very first Elder Dragon discovered in the long lost Frontier and, indeed, he is a PIONEER of magnetism!" Rage introduced the dragon as a group of hunters were fighting it as it flew just above the ground. "And, when you think about it, magnetism is a PRETTY GOOD defense against a load of people running around with stabby sticks covered in metal." Rage explained, before cutting away from the fight, showing a soda can labeled as "Hunters"... which was then magnetically crushed with a squishy flesh sound effect.

"Wow, the first one from the Frontier! That's really cool!" Yang admitted.

"Yeah. And magnet powers are pretty cool, too." Neo said. Then, they saw the can get crushed. "Especially if it actually does that." She said, letting one of her psycho grins slip.

Meanwhile, everyone else was horrified by that concept. "Being crushed by the armor that's supposed to protect you. That's terrible." Velvet said, aghast.

But James was on the verge of a panic attack at the idea of this dragon's power. "All of my soldiers... They ALL wear metal armor. I'M half metal. We'd be at their mercy. It would crush them like those cans and rip me in half." The general said with absolute terror in his voice.

"It's alright, James. It's not here. And it's already a strong contender for the list of monsters to be banned from Remnant." Ozpin assured him.

The beast landed and released a burst of magnetic energy. "Oh, yes! So this, then, is the Pole Dragon, or indeed the Magnetic Dragon. He was first discovered in the Frontier and he was quite the colorful creation from nature. But before we talk about what he can do... Let's judge him on his appearance!" Rage declared cheerfully as upbeat music began to play as the beast arrived at the fortress once again.

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