Kecha Wacha

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A/N: Thanks as always to my friend qazse with help for reactions and Sai for the script and the actual video. Check out the video if you haven't already and help him out with subscribes and comments and stuff.

"Wait!" Ruby said before the video started.

"Huh? What is it?" Katana asked.

"You said Akasha is the Huntress in the footage we're gonna see now, right?" She asked.

"Um... Yes? Why?" Katana questioned once more.

"Can we meet her, please?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. I'd be interested in meeting her, too." Blake added, popping up by Ruby's side.

"Really? Why? You haven't met any of the other hunters we've seen so far, so why her?" Razara asked.

The two of them were silent for a moment, before Tekko smirked. "You just think it's cool she's a vampire, don't you?" She asked, to which the two nodded.

"Fine. But keep in mind, I don't know what she's doing at the moment, so she might be mad from us just pulling her in here." Katana said.

Suddenly, in a flash of light, the hybrid girl in question appeared in the room, about eight feet in the air, clad in gold and white-scaled armor, a similarly Insect Glave in her hands. "You're done!" She said, swinging the weapon, only to hit nothing but air. "What the?!" She cried out, before collapsing to the ground. "Uh... What the heck?" She groaned as she stood up, looking around and seeing her aunt and cousins standing alongside a seated group of warriors. "Aunt Katana! I was in the middle of a fight with a Shagaru Magala!" The vampire girl complained.

"Based on your armor and that Insect Glaive, it looks like you already have." Razara said, noting the armor and weapon her cousin held were composed of parts from the Heavenly Revolving Dragon.

"Sorry, dear. But some fans of yours wanted to say hi." Katana said.

"Fans?" Akasha asked, looking at the group.

And, almost instantly, Ruby and Blake were in front of her. "Hi! We saw you in one of your dad's lore videos! I mean, you were only in a few clips, but you looked really cool!" Ruby said.

"Just like vampires! Which, you know, you are. But that just means you're that much more cool!" Blake said, to which Ruby nodded rapidly in agreement.

"Uh... Thanks?" She said uncertainly.

"So, since you're a vampire, will you die in sunlight? Can you turn into a bat? Are you allergic to garlic and, if so, is it 'deathly' allergic, or will it just make you fart like in Resort Mistralvania?" Ruby asked.

"Or do you sparkle in sunlight? And can you read people's minds?" Blake asked, clearly still imagining vampires from her "Dusk" books.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down!" Akasha exclaimed, holding her hands out to calm them. "Sunlight won't kill me, but my lighter skin burns easier. I can turn into either a mouse or a bat and I can grow bat wings from my back. And I'm perfectly fine eating garlic." She explained to Ruby, before looking at Blake. "And hell no, I'm nothing like the vampires from those books." She said, but managed to hold herself back from being unnecessarily rude and calling said books "trashy".

"Okay, just one more question. Would a stake through the heart kill you like a real vampire?" Ruby asked.

"Well, yeah? A stake to the heart would kill just about anyone!" Akasha said with thick sarcasm, but also an amused smile on her face. Realizing that point, Ruby blushed rather sheepishly at the obvious statement, the others agreeing as well. [1]

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