Shagaru Magala

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Watch from 13:11 to the end

"Now a true Elder Dragon, its black scales transcending into beautiful, iridescent glowing gold." Rage declared, before another very large monster appearing to be covered in gold was shown, letting out a gasp. "No! No." Rage shut the creature down.

Everyone looked at Katana. "Kulve Taroth. She's a HUGE Elder Dragon that lives in the Caverns of El Darado, an underground cave system filled to the brim with gold. And she coats herself in and even melts it and swims in it." Katana explained.

"So much gold." Weiss and Neo said together, Lien signs in their eyes.

"I could buy the SDC from father..." Weiss said.

"A lifetime's supply of ice cream." Neo stated.

"I worry about them." Emerald told Cinder.

"Rightly so." The half-Maiden agreed.

"Still, I wouldn't mind making some nice rings and earrings from all that gold. Neo and I could sell it in our store." Coco said.

"Shagaru Magala, then. I adore him and his fight, looking like a glowing star when wings extended in flight, he's the light to Gore's darkness, though they both kill pretty much everything. He, like his juvenile form, is incredibly powerful, but now his muscles thickened and strengthened. He's larger, faster, more aggressive, but able to wield that aggression with deadly precision, his mind developed as well and exceptionally intelligent even by Elder Dragon's near sentient standards. He will plan, he will use tactics and he will come up with the best way to savagely rip you apart." Rage declared as a hunter reached the summit of the mountain where the Shagaru was, the creature and hunter circling each other, before it flew into the sky and shined brightly with wings fully extended once more.

"Wasn't Gore aggressive enough? Why does this one have to be even worse?" Blake asked.

"Likely because, as an adult, it has to claim its own territory. Although, being even bigger and stronger than Gore, its standard aggression feels like more than enough." Ironwood theorized.

"W-what about the Virus? Does he stop making it now, since he doesn't need it for seeing, or to defend itself?" Ruby asked. Katana simply burst out laughing, everyone becoming fearful at what the implications of that meant.

"You know, you really are evil sometimes." Yang told their hostess.

"I know." Katana confirmed.

"Once he commits to combat, he is a whirlwind of destruction, overwhelming in his relentless assault. He really does feel like a monster where you're like, 'When am I supposed to attack?! I don't understand!' You have to stand your ground and you have to become a man! Or you'll be knocked around like a ragdoll, repeatedly knocked unconscious and more than likely die, you know? It's whatever." Rage explained before Shagaru landed back in front of the hunter before the fight began. The hunter was then seen leaping on Shagaru's back.

"Hey! What about a woman?! Most of these videos, we're following Aylia! She's a woman!" Nora declared.

"Yeah! Girl power!" Velvet, surprisingly, cried out, standing up along with Nora, both of them raising their fists into the air.

"It's disturbing about how casually he can talk about dying." Winter said.

"To be fair, when faced with a monster like that, I don't see many other options besides stand your ground or die." Ren defended the narrator.

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