Monster Riders (Part 1)

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A/N: Thanks as always to my good friend qazse for help with reactions and my brother Sai for both the script and the actual video "Ride on! Monster Rider Lore". Go check it out as you read along. And subscribe so he'll stop telling me to tell you to subscribe...

Sai and the Field Team Leader could be seen hanging out one day. "You know, Sai, I like hunting monsters and observing them in the wild as much as the next guy, but do you ever wish you could get closer to them? Or even ride them?" The leader asked wistfully, clearly wishing for a more harmonious relationship with the amazing animals.

"Yes. Yes. Yes! SO much YES!" Ruby cried out almost the instant the question left the Field Team Leader's lips.

"Right? It'd be awesome to jet through the skies on a Valstrax!" Yang declared.

"Ooh! I'd want to snuggle on the back of a Zinogre! It's fur is probably so soft and fluffy! And I'd get a charge from its Thunderbugs." Nora said.

"I know I can fly in my bird form, but that does get tiring. I wouldn't mind flying around on a flying monster." Qrow admitted.

"You do realize we have our own monsters we can and have already ridden, right?" Weiss questioned.

"I mean, yeah, nothing wrong with our monsters." Yang said, fist-bumping Raiden. "But it would just be cool to ride some other monsters into battle, too! Like a Nergigante or something! Or, heck, even just cruise through the country or something." She added, imagining herself sunbathing while laying on the hump of a Duramboros.

Sai was nodding along with this. "Oh, yeah, man. I hear you. But you know, there ARE actually people like that out there." He informed his superior said as he stood up properly.

However, the Field Team Leader apparently didn't understand him properly. "What, do you mean when we mount a monster? I mean, I guess, but that's us holding on for dear life while stabbing a monster. I meant riding the monster peacefully, spending time together and maybe even fighting together." He explained, apparently having been imagining a huntress jumping on the back of a Bazelgeuse, trying to bring it down.

"Um... Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was talking about the same thing you're talking about." Emerald said.

"Right? Sai clearly understood what he meant, so why would he be talking about anything different?" Ren agreed.

"Maybe he's just making sure Sai is on the same page as him?" Velvet tried to give the older hunter the benefit of the doubt.

The Sapphire Star was clearly starting to get annoyed, based on the stance he took. "Yes, I am hearing what you are saying. And I am telling you that there ARE people out there that ride monsters and fight with them." The host insisted with his hands on his hips.

And yet, even after that, the Commander's grandson STILL didn't get it. "Oh, I know! You must be talking about how hunters in Kamura use those bugs with their special silk to make a monster move like a puppet and fight for them." He theorized as footage of a pink-haired girl riding a large, purple Fanged Wyvern showed what he meant. "But that's not what I meant, either. I meant living in harmony with monsters, riding on their backs NOT against their will and petting them. You know, like having them as a pet." The Greatsword user elaborated once more.

"What!? They can do that?! That's awesome!" Jaune said, amazed.

"And that monster is pretty cool, too! What is that!?" Nora asked.

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