Dire Miralis

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Everything was dark before several quick flashes of a monster that looked like a monster made from a volcano thrashing around were shown, accompanied by epic music. Finally, the scene was finally shown in full as a massive, terrifying beast was shown, roaring as some parts of it released a discharge of fire that came raining down like meteors from a sky that was full of smoke, the landscape was red as far as the eye could see. "Some legends consider this great dragon to be the devil fated to destroy the world, while others claim it is the giant who birthed creation. Is there any way for mere humans to quell its unending rage?" Rage questioned ominously as the creature rose from the ocean, making its way to the shore.

The group was left awestruck by the opening. "That music... It's like they're singing about the end times!" Ilia said with a shiver.

"And those flashes don't give us enough time to truly get a good glimpse of the monster, which gives a sense of dread and anticipation." Coco added.

"Yeah. It's really creepy. And fire coming from the sky really doesn't help." Velvet agreed.

"It certainly all makes for a powerful experience. And it gives you the feel that this dragon is not to be trifled with." Glynda pointed out as well.

"This spectacle would be something I'd expect from Salem when she wants to... flex her powers, as I believe you children say." Ozpin shuddered at the memory of his ex.

However, this ominous mood was quickly ruined as a close-up of the monsters head bobbing back and forth was shown with goofy laughter playing over it as if the dragon itself was laughing at the idea of people beating it. "Dire Miralis, please! Professionalism! A hunter could, in theory, beat you." Rage reprimanded the beast, only to have it laugh at his statement once again. "Honestly." He sighed as Dire Miralis continued its way towards shore as its meteors crashed into the ground ahead of it.

A lot groaned at Rage ruining the epic moment. None more so then Ruby, Yang, Jaune and Nora. "Nooo! That was so awesome! But now it's so stupid!" Nora cried out.

"Come on, Rage! How can you make jokes about a world-destroying monster!" Jaune complained.

"...He ruined it. It was totally badass opening, and he ruined it." Yang said angrily.

"I hate him..." Ruby muttered.

A group of hunters was then seen preparing to face off against the beast. "Then again, a black dragon that opens the fight with- you know... THE APPOCALYPSE." Rage began as a hunter was blasted away by one of the following meteors, everything quickly going black. The dragon was shown roaring again as it dropped meteors into the water. "-Is to be feared, but above all... respected. The final of the trio and the largest, Dire Miralis, unlike his brethren does not take to the skies. No... No, his kingdom is a watery one." Rage explained as the hunters dove into the water to continue their advance against Dire Miralis. "Known as the Smelting Black Dragon, he's not so much adapted for an aquatic lifestyle so much as he simply prefers being submerged. For the smelting is no exaggeration... he is a living furnace: his veins aflame, his blood, magma... he has internal organs consistently, irrevocably churning out intense, lava-esque liquid that pumps 'round the body, burning as hot as his hatred for all living things... he is heat incarnate." Rage explained as the hunters attacked the beast.

They finally got a good look at Dire and they found amazed and puzzled. "It looks like some kind of demon dragon!" Summer cried out.

"I'd say it looks more like some kind of monstrous molten rock titan." Winter gave her opinion.

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