Lao Shan Lung

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An absolutely MASSIVE, rust-colored, quadrupedal dragon was seen slowly lumbering through a misty mountain pass. "Hello? Is this the way through the mountain? Because I REALLY need to get through!" The dragon "spoke", rearing up to its hind legs to show off its true size. He then apparently received an answer. "It's not? Awww... FUCK!" The dragon snapped, starting to lower back to all fours. "Okay..." The dragon grumbled in defeat, before backing out the way he came from, beeping like a semi truck.

The group was quickly awestruck by the sheer size of the beast. "Whoa, mama! That this is massive!" Qrow declared.

"It could probably look into Ozpin's office if it was standing on its hand legs!" Summer agreed.

"I don't even think Akantor and Ukanlos were that big! A Leviathan couldn't even stop something like that!" Cinder said in shock

"You mean the Grimm, right? Not the big swimming monsters like Lagiacrus and Mizutsune?" Emerald asked, to which her team leader nodded.

"It's... It's... IT'S SO SLOW!" Nora cried out, causing everyone to face-vault.

"Way to ruin the moment, Sparky." Coco grumbled.

"What! Look at it! That footage looks sped up and it still looks like it's going one mile an hour!" Nora told them all.

"Perhaps, Nora, but what it lacks in speed, I'm going to guess it more than makes up for it with power." Ren told her.

Then, a lot of them laughed at the backing up beeping. "It's beeping like a semi truck! It's definitely as big as one!" Jaune laughed.

"Okay, that makes this thing a lot less scary." Ilia giggled.

"Still, knowing Rage and how he sets up these monsters, that won't last long." Adam predicted.

Aylia was then seen walking on some elevated pathway with some kind of train tracks, looking ahead into the mist as the massive beast appeared. "Ancient Lao Shan Lung. Old Mountain Dragon. He is a sight to behold. Also, a lot of sight is required to behold the full him, because he's FUCKING MASSIVE." Rage explained as the monster lumbered down the path as Aylia watched on, slowly moving alongside on the ledge so as to not alert the beast. "A giant dragon. Few have seen it and lived to tell the tail. When on a rampage, it wreaks havoc on all in its path. The guild has built a fortress to repel the beast. But... Will it hold?" Rage questioned ominously.

"'Lao Shan Lung'... I like that. It has a nice ring to it." Ruby said appreciatively.

"Yeah, kinda rolls off the tongue." Neo agreed.

"Not bad. Doesn't sound as catchy as 'Yang Xiao Long', but close enough." Yang said while giving a cocky grin while everyone just rolled their eyes.

"Having to construct an entire fortress to repel a single monster? Just how powerful could this creature be?" Pyrrha asked in shock.

"And from the sound of things, that doesn't even sound like enough." Blake added worriedly.

However, this ominous tone was soon ruined when he spoke again. "Yes. Yes, it will hold. Any remotely competent group of four hunters is probably gonna repel him as he slowly ignores nearly everything you do in his effort to plow forward, because..." Rage continued as the creature reared to its hind legs and Aylia finally jumped down in front of it to prepare to take it on.

Then, a clip showed a man in a car, Lao Shan Lung's head superimposed over his own. "I'm not an ambi-turner." The man explained.

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