Diablos and Monoblos

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A/N: Thanks to qazse for help with reaction ideas.

"Diablos? I like it. It has kind of a devilish ring to it." Cinder said appreciatively.

"It sounds pretty cool, yeah." Ruby agreed.

"But you said demons of the desert. As in plural. So I'm guessing we'll be hearing about another two monsters, then?" Glynda questioned.

"Good listening, Glynda. That is true, more or less, there won't be too much on the second monster, but it is still worth mentioning." Katana explained.

"Well, let's see it, then." Qrow said.

"Indeed. If these creatures are common in deserts, Theodore will have to be warned immediately." Ozpin said.

"My parents in Menagerie, too." Blake added.

"Well, let's not take any more time and get to the monsters, then!" Tekko declared, playing the video.

The next video started with a man and a woman on a bed with the heads of two creatures with a pair of horns on their head, the head of the creature on the woman was black while the head of the one on the man was a sand color. "Let me ask you a question. And be honest..." The man said, before hitting a button, at which point sexy music played and the bed began to move in circles. "Do I make you horny? Randy? Do I make you horny, baby? Yeah, do I?" He asked obnoxiously with several cuts. A loud roar was then heard as the woman was shown again.

Just about everyone was lost from the reaction, unsure of what to do or say. The more mature of the audience were disgusted and offended, the more innocent of the audience were trying to pretend they didn't see or hear and of this and the immature amongst them with trying to hide their laughter from the more mature. And there were also a handful that were just confused and trying to process what the hell they'd just seen.

Of course, there were two that knew exactly what to do. "From the looks of things, I'd say they're both pretty horny." Yang said with a smirk.

"If he's got big horns like that on his head, imagine what he's got a little lower." Coco added, equally smug.

"I bet whatever either of them have would be great for... penetration." Yang worked off Coco's joke.

"Yang/Coco!" Ruby and Velvet both cried out at the same time.

Summer gave her eldest child a small glare. "I think someone can go a few days without my special cookies for that kind of dirty joke." She declared sternly, causing Yang to deflate sadly.

"I think that's one stabbing nobody would mind." Neo said.

"Neo!" Cinder and Emerald scolded while Roman burst out laughing.

"All three of you will be getting detention when we return." Glynda said, a massive blush on her face and her glasses fogged up.

Aylia was then shown in the desert in an underground cavern with a massive twin-horned Wyvern a short distance away from her. "Hello and welcome then, fellow hunters, as today we talk Diablos~" Rage spoke in a sensual voice with equally sensual guitar music playing as he spoke the creature's name, similar to when he spoke of Tetsucabra. "The demon of the desert, or as many new hunters know him..." He paused, cutting away to a clip of Aylia running away in slow-motion, screaming as the beast charged at her, the screen cutting to black as a squishing sound was heard.

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