The Weapons of Monster Hunter (Part 1)

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A/N: Thanks again to my friend qazse with help on the reactions and my brother Sai Kunai Blade for making the videos and giving me the script. If you haven't yet, check out the videos on Sai's channel: Sai Blade, the videos titled "The Weapons of Monster Hunter" Parts 1 and 2. And help him out by subscribing. He'll start playing Ace Attorney at 400 subs! I love that game!

Sai was seen walking towards a hunter slightly older than him, who had a greatsword on his back. "You wanted to see me, Field Team Leader?" Sai asked his superior.

"And this would be?" Ren asked.

"The Field Team Leader. He's the Commander's grandson and the guy who oversaw the activities of the hunters. Although, now he's basically the commander of Seliana." Razara explained.

"Wow. That's moving up in the world." Ilia said.

The other hunter quickly turned and greeted him. "Yes, Sai. Thank you so much for coming! You see, we've recently had to send out a request to the Guild for a Sixth Fleet, since many of our hunters have suddenly retired. I could understand a few of them at a time, but it seems like dozens of our hunters have just completely given up and moved on. I can't understand why." The Field Team Leader informed him.

"Maybe the constant threat of being eaten by monsters had something to do with it. I mean, people think they know what they're in for... They never really do..." Sai pointed out, shuddering at whatever thought creeped into his head.

"Okay, even though I'd love to fight all the monsters, Sai has a point here." Yang admitted.

"Yep. Fighting Grimm is fun and all, but it definitely wears you down after a while, especially if you do it for decades. And these monsters are probably the same, more than likely worse, since they're so much stronger than the Grimm." Qrow agreed.

"And clearly, it also affects their sanity, based on what we've seen from Fatalis." Glynda added.

"Are you still going to therapy for Fatalis?" The lead hunter asked.

"Oh, my therapist gave up. Anyway, what does the Sixth Fleet have to do with me?" Sai questioned.

Many students laughed at this while some adults were appalled. "What kind of therapist would give up treating their patient's trauma?!" Winter demanded.

"Any therapist that has heard how bad Fatalis messed him up." Cinder told her.

"Yeah, I don't think anyone is that good." Jaune agreed.

"Well, apparently, these hunters are pretty new to the career. Like, right out of training. Almost none of them have even been on a proper hunt before." The Field Team Leader explained.

Hearing this makes some of the cast, especially Yang and Coco, wince. "Yikes. Gotta feel bad for the newbies here." Coco said sympathetically.

"What? Did you forget Ozpin launched you all off a cliff before you even officially joined this school?" Emerald questioned.

"Yeah, but we graduated from schools like Signal and Sanctum before that, where we had encounters with Grimm before Beacon." Nora pointed out.

"Everyone has to start somewhere." Ironwood said.

The sound of crickets was heard as Sai was clearly deadpanning at the news. "So, I guess we'll need a Seventh Fleet to replace them in a week or two?" The demon questioned again.

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