Teostra and Lunastra

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A/N: Thanks to qazse for a good handful of reactions!

"A fire monster, huh? I like the sound of that." Cinder said, making a flame in her hand.

"Yeah. It fits you perfect, Cinder." Ruby agreed.

"Are we sure we want her having any creature capable of large amounts of fire?" Ironwood asked.

"It will be fine, James. Salem may have led Cinder astray, but she's learned from these films and seen the error in the path she had chosen. I truly believe she can be trusted. She might truly deserve to be the Fall Maiden." Ozpin assured him.

"That and it'd probably be a good idea not to piss off whatever fire monster she gets by having to kill her to pass on the Maiden powers." Qrow added.

"Well, I hope you'll be on your best behavior for this one, because not only is it have the second most deadly fire in history, but it is also royalty. So prepare to bow." Katana told them, leaving them all shocked before she played the episode.

The screen started out black, before Rage's voice could be heard with a strange echo. "Careful, now! You stand before AN EMPEROR!" Rage declared as an intense, epic rock song about fire was heard as what seemed to be a waterfall of lava trickling down, slowly stopping to reveal the furious-looking face of a monster that looked like a mix between a dragon and a lion while a Huntress looked at the beast from a distance, trying to block the bright lights and heat from the lava everywhere in the area. It was then fully revealed to be a muscular quadrupedal Elder Dragon with wings and an impressive lion mane with terrifying, gnashing fangs. It growled and stomped forward one step, the ground breaking and lava shooting up from the cracks, not even fazing the creature, before the Huntress dropped down to where the Teostra was, the beast letting out a powerful roar, before a toaster was suddenly shown, toast popping up from nowhere.

Everybody jumped when the toast suddenly popped up, surprised by the high tension from the scene before, so the suddenness of the toast caught them off-guard. They all got a chuckle out of that, though. "Well, that's quite an entrance." Jaune said, chuckling a bit.

"You mean a totally awesome one! That was amazing! That thing had lava running off it!" Nora declared.

"So, that creature is an emperor?" Winter asked.

"That's correct, Winter. Teostra, the emperor of flame. And, if that wasn't awesome enough, he's like a hybrid between a dragon and a lion." Katana told them.

Yang smirked. "I saw that. So, what do you think, Blake-y? He's a pretty handsome lion, wouldn't you say?" She teased, lightly nudging Blake with her elbow.

"Shut up." Blake told her with a deadpan expression.

"Everyone's favorite heat blanket is the topic of the day, then! What makes this monster tick? Well, primarily coal, if I'm honest. He goes around eating it, fueling his inferno-like engine and then doing the flame. That's Teostra, so thanks for watching and I'll see you later." Rage gave a small summary on the beast's diet as it gracefully walked along through what seemed to be the inside of a volcanic area as Aylia walked alongside it, hopping to small islands to avoid to the small river lava in between.

"No way!" Ruby complained.

"Surely he must be joking." Ozpin stated.

"After all that build-up, he better be." Qrow said.

"Got that right. That would be a total rip-off." Coco agreed.

"Okay, look. There's surprisingly not a lot going on with him. Despite being an Elder Dragon of almost Mystical-level power and almost intelligence to match a human, he really is just Fire Lion." Rage explained as Aylia continued to peacefully follow the beast, before in image of a strange humanoid tiger quickly flew across the screen from right to left.

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