The Weapons of Monster Hunter (Part 2)

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A/N: Thanks again to my friend qazse with help on the reactions and my brother Sai Kunai Blade for making the videos and giving me the script. If you haven't yet, check out the videos on Sai's channel: Sai Blade, the videos titled "The Weapons of Monster Hunter" Parts 1 and 2. And help him out by subscribing. He'll start Ace Attorney when he hits 400 subs! I love that game!


Sai was now fighting a Rajang with a Greatsword, clearly struggling to defend against the monster's hits with the giant blade. "While offense is important to weaken and defeat the monsters that are causing problems throughout the land, defense is equally important so you can return home to your family and not end up as a Hunter happy meal." The host spoke, before suddenly showing a hunter being snatched up in an Anjanath's jaws. "Which is why the shield is the biggest part of this weapon, the greatest defensive option a hunter can have, the Lance." He declared as he was now shown holding a large shield along with the aforementioned polearm.

The teens, as well as Qrow and Summer, as much as the Rose matriarch tried to resist, all laughed at Sai's joke. "A hunter happy meal! That's so ridiculous, but also so hilarious!" The eldest Rose laughed.

"Now I'm just imagining a monsters carrying around a MacRoland's happy meal bag, but instead of a burger, it's a hunter yelling and kicking inside it!" Nora giggled.

Ruby gasped at this. "I was just thinking that, too! I wonder what they'd get for a toy? Would it be the weapon?" Ruby wondered. Then, she gaped when she saw the weapon. "Ooh, a Lance! I always thought Weiss should use one of those!" She said excitedly.

"Why would I use such a massive weapon that's only good for stabbing when my weapon is already so much more swift and versatile?" Weiss questioned, causing Ruby to pout.

The fight against the Rajang continued and while Sai was still being pushed back by the Rajang's strikes, he was handling them far better than he did with the Greatsword. "As previously stated, the Lance is accompanied by the largest shield of any weapon the hunters have in their arsenals. Meanwhile, the Lance part of the weapon offers great range and reach, is incredibly straight forward: You just poke the monster. Over and over. You can poke normal height, you can poke high... charge with the weapon and REPEATEDLY poke the monsters and you can block and counter poke, which is pretty strong... yeah. That's pretty much it. It's pretty much about the shield, really. But that shield can protect you from almost anything." Sai informed as he continued to fight the Fanged Beast.

And the idea of just poking a monster got more laughs from the teens. "Monsters beware! We can POKE you!" Ilia declared.

"Oh, no! Anything but being poked!" Blake said jokingly, much like Ren did for Nora with the hammer.

"Honestly, how much harm could a simple little poke do to a monster the size of a bus?" Weiss questioned.

"Do you recall the time you sat on one of Nora's jacks when her and Ruby were playing in the common area? That's a rather small poke, yet you made quite the fuss over it." Ren reminded her, getting a huge laugh from RBY and JNP while Weiss glared at the ninja boy with a huge blush on her face.

"Now I'm picturing that old Don and Larry cartoon. Where the mouse would poke the cat with something as tiny as a needle, but it would still make him scream and jump up to the ceiling." Jaune said with a chuckle, getting more laughs from the group.

Sai was facing off against a Fatalis, the mighty beast lowering itself and breathing a massive cone of fire, but Sai merely held his shield in front of him, completely unfazed by the flames. "Whoo! Thanks for heating it up, Fatalis! I should've brought some marshmallows!" The host taunted from behind his shield.

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