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A/N: Thanks as always to my good friend qazse for help with reactions and my brother Sai for both the script and the actual video: "The Fierce Flash! Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Lore". Check it out so you know what you're following along with and subscribe to his channel, because unless Rage gets back into making lores, Sai will be the only reason this story continues pretty soon.

The Fiver bro was sat at the canteen as he began to speak to someone. "Yeah, man, I gotta say. Things are looking up for me. I'm kind of like a celebrity now. The paparazzi won't leave me alone when I go out to the Coral Highlands. I can't go more than five feet without seeing a flash in the distance. It's like they can't get enough of me, dude! I bet I'm even more famous than you now! You might be the Sapphire Star, but I'm the super star!" The lazy hunter boasted said as it was revealed he was talking to Sai.

Many of them groaned at the return of the Fiver Bro. "Aw, man. Not this guy again. I had enough of him in the Tobi-Kadachi video." Jaune groaned.

"And now he's got an ego. Oh, joy." Emerald said sarcastically.

"He must be delusional. Who in the world would see HIM as a celebrity?!" Cinder questioned.

"Clearly, the paparazzi in the New World have too much time on their hands." Glynda said.

Who wasn't impressed, to say the least. "Okay, first off, I didn't ask you how you were or anything, or even talk to you. I just got back from a mission and you started talking to me. Who starts a conversation like that? Secondly, I straight up DO NOT believe you've ever been to the highlands, or even left that stool. Like, ever. And third, there's no paparazzi in the New World. And if there were, they'd have to be idiots to be out in the wild with a bunch of dangerous monsters around every corner. You know, the same kind of monsters we hunt for a living? And it's a monster that's causing all those flashes you saw, not people taking pictures of you." The actually competent hunter explained.

"Oh, my gods! I HATE it when people do that! Starting up a conversation to brag about themselves! I'm trying to enjoy my day! Can't I please just do that!?" Pyrrha snapped in a rare moment of rage for her. There were several times when some of her "rivals" from the Mistral Regionals would somehow randomly find her and brag about sponsorships they managed to get to try and flex. So what if it's a healthier cereal, no one's heard of it!

"Jacques Schnee always loves to brag every time he gets in the good graces of other councilmen who would support him in the bid for that empty council seat." Ironwood groaned as well.

But the mood soon changed with Sai's second point. "Yeah, I'm not gonna believe he went to the Highlands until I see him at least stand up." Ruby giggled.

"That stool must be the hardest worker in Astera. It NEVER gets a break!" Yang added, earning several laughs.

But then, many of them had to facepalm when Sai brought up the third point. "Why did we think there would be paparazzi in the New World?" Blake asked, mentally kicking herself.

"They'd have to be either the bravest or stupidest camera guys in the world if they follow hunters into the wild with man-eating monsters. But I'm willing to bet there's no one that crazy or dumb." Qrow said.

"Still, a monster that makes flashing lights sounds pretty cool. I could think of a few times that could've been useful." Roman said.

"On heists?" Summer questioned suspiciously.

"No comment." Roman said simply.

The gluttonous hunter seemed to take pause at this, apparently shocked by the new information he'd just learned. "We hunt monsters?!" He asked in shock.

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