Shara Ishvalda

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A/N: Thanks to my brother Sai Kunai Blade for the script and making the video "Massacre of Mountains" Shara Ishvalda Lore. And thanks to qazse for help with reactions. Remember to subscribe to Sai's YouTube channel, Sai Blade.

A tan seasoned man in armor with a scar on his face stood with his arms crossed. "Sai! You've gone too far this time!" He declared angrily.

Sai was then seen on all fours, apparently begging for forgiveness or mercy. "Please, commander! I'm so sorry! It's not my fault! The Dodo moved in front of me!" Sai explained, as a clip was shown from the Dodogama video of Sai striking a Dodogama as he fought against an Uragaan. "It didn't even get hurt that badly!" He plead his case.

A lot, especially Ruby and Winter, were aghast when they saw Sai striking Dodo. "How could you, Sai!? You said you were there to protect Dodo and you betrayed him!" Ruby yelled accusingly.

"Exactly! Execution is well-warranted! I'll perform it myself!" Winter declared.

"Now, now, you two. It was clearly an accident. He was striking the Uragaan and that Dodo clearly walked into the line of fire." Summer said, trying to calm them both, Ruby quickly calming at her mother's words and Winter's intensity lessening, but certainly not disappearing.

"I knew you were right about it not being self-aware, but that's taking it to a new level." Adam said to Hazel, who nodded.

The commander, however, wasn't having it. "No excuse! You know better than anyone the punishment for bringing harm to a Dodogama. You shall be executed at high noon." The Commander told him.

Sai was understandably desperate at this news. "Please! I've served the commission well! Surely, there's something I can do in order to make up for this one mistake!" He pleaded.

Thankfully, the Commander decided to show some leniency. "Very well. Our information on Shara Ishvalda is rather lacking and you are one of the few hunters capable of handling such a daunting task. Give us a report on the Old Everwyrm and your transgressions shall be forgiven." The commander declared.

A record scratching could be heard as Sai was now standing, before the sound of crickets accompanied a long pause. "Is it too late to go back to the execution?" He asked.

The adults became quite concerned at this. "It can't be. Surely, he's joking, right?" Glynda asked, but the three demon hosts just shook their heads. "He's seriously rather die than fight it!? Just what kind of creature is this?" Glynda asked in disbelief.

"I suppose we'll find out. Although, I'm not sure if we want to. Sai's clearly an experiences hunter. For him to choose death over fighting it... Best case scenario, it's difficult and irritating to fight. But I can't think of any creature that it would truly be worth dying to avoid. Likely, it's power is on a world-destroying level. That's the only reason one would likely have their life ended instead of throwing it away in a likely painful manner on a folly of a mission." Ozpin said. Once or twice, he had actually ended his life himself in hopes it would end his cycle of reincarnation and he would no longer be forced to do the impossible of stopping Salem.

"It's an Elder Dragon, I'm guessing?" Weiss asked.

"Yep. Probably up in the top ten strongest." Razara confirmed.

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