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A/N: Thanks to qazse as always for help with reactions

A hunter was shown running through the darkness as a black Rathian-like Flying Wyvern with glowing red parts landed on the ground briefly, before going back into the air and lashing out at the hunter. "Where does it come from? What does it want? What IS it!? The answers to all ALWAYS are unknown. All that is certain... is death." Rage declared with his usual ominous echo as the Wyvern attacked the hunter and unleashed a powerful blast that seemed to knock the hunter down and make them slowly begin to pass out. "And no! It's not just a black and red Rathian!" Rage said in agitation as everything went completely black.

Many of the students got a shiver up their spines at the sight of the monster, with Velvet, Ruby and Neo clinging to their respective crushes. "Why does he always have to be so ominous and creepy? Why can't he make a nice happy intro?" Velvet asked.

"Because being mysterious and ominous gets people hooked, bun bun. Now they wouldn't be able to click away if they wanted to" Coco explained softly.

"It's alright, Neo. It's not that bad. It honestly just looks like a Rathian." Yang told her.

"Yeah, but the black and red make it way creepier. Especially in thick fog you can barely see in." Neo explained.

"And the glowing red eyes don't help, either. They're cool, but really scary." Ruby said, hiding behind Cinder.

"But, that lets you know where it is, right? So that can help you avoid it." Cinder reminded the young Rose girl.

"Yeah, but then you remember there's some super sharp teeth and a spiky chin just under those eyes." Ruby said.

A group of hunters was then seen running through the forest towards a creature that, indeed, looked like a black and red Rathian. "Hello, my fellow hunters and welcome today as we talk Unknown. Oh yes, going by no name, no species, no category... simply Unknown. An enigma wrapped in destruction and heading straight for every single soul. This is the Black Flying Wyvern and it is an apocalyptic force that is as powerful as it is... Well, mysterious. So first, let's ignore what your parents taught you and judge it on its appearance." Rage explained as the hunters attacked the monster, before putting up the images of Unknown, Rathalos and Rathian. "It does look like an amalgamation of Rathian and Rathalos. So essentially yeah, it's a combination of that, but instead red and black." Rage said, speaking almost as if he were rapping, even with a beat playing, before going black. "Is it just me or did that have a weirdly okay flow to it?" Rage asked with the usual echo.

"But at least in the case of Rathian and Rathalos, they have vibrant and bright colors that give you somewhat of a warning to keep your distance. This Unknown could strike from anywhere at any point." Winter pointed out.

"I've always found the combination of black and red to be intimidating. That's why at first I thought Ruby wore them, to try and scare people off so they wouldn't pick on her for being younger and smaller than everyone else." Weiss said.

"Hey! We're practically the same height! Especially when we don't wear heeled boots!" Ruby complained.

"Honestly, this creature looks closer to a Grimm than it does to a Rathalos, with those colors." Pyrrha admitted.

The image of the three Flying Wyverns was featured again. "Anyway! Yeah, it is a hybrid form, but it's not related to either species- at least not directly. Some theories posit that it is a distant cousin, or perhaps a case of divergent evolution: two organisms of a common ancestor ending up as different species. So perhaps if we trace the lineage of Unknown back far enough, we may find that Rathalos link. For now, though, it is very much its own animal." Rage explained as an image showed a cat being the common ancestor of four genetic variations of cats that then became a house cat, a cheetah, a lion and a black leopard.

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