The New Batch

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"Okay, everyone! Here are the new batch of monsters!" Katana said as suddenly, smaller versions of Duramboros, Chameleos, Yian Garuga and Alatreon appeared, all being on leashes and being held back by a strange figure.

It was a Zinogre, but noticeably different in appearance. For starters, he was slimmer and walked on his back legs instead of all fours, making him anthropomorphic. He didn't wear armor, but instead he wore a simple grey long sleeve hoodie and black shorts. His blue eyes were framed by black-rimmed glasses.

He growled as the monsters struggled in his grip, muttering curses as he pulled at their leashes. His features lightened up when he saw Katana. "Oh hey Katana! Got the monsters, just as requested!" His voice had a southern drawl, sounding laid back even though he struggled with keeping the monsters held back. A particularly hard tug brought his attention back to his subjects.

"URGH! HEY! YOU FUCKS BETTER COOL IT!" He roared, arcing with electricity that rivaled Thor's. This got the monsters to settle down. Well, except for the Yian Garuga, who spat a fireball at the anthro-monster, forcing him to lose his grip.

With an angry howl, the wolf like monster gave chase after the Bird Wyvern. All the while the others watched in utter confusion at the scene before them.

Ozpin was the first to speak. " that?" The bespectacled man asked.

"Oh. That's Xenthas. He's a rare humanoid monster." Katana explained.

"Huh...didn't think they'd exist." Qrow commented.

Xenthas, having enough of the Yian Garuga's games, appeared in front of the Bird Wyvern in a flash of lightning. Squawking in surprise, the monster attempted to do its iconic flip attack. But the tables turned when the psychopathic chicken felt a grip on its tail.

In a manner not unlike the Hulk, Xenthas flung the lightweight monster like a rag doll, smashing it into the ground four times, stopping to check his handiwork, and then twice for good measure.

The once bold Wyvern was now humbled, it's red eyes rolling around in their sockets as little Yian Kut-Kus' flew around its head. Having learned it's lesson, the Yian Garuga got up and went back to its respective position.

The humanoid monster took a breath to calm himself and looked at the Remnant Crew, who looked on in either amazement: Team RWBY, JNPR, Coco, Penny, Summer, Neo, and Qrow, or fear: Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Winter, Adam, Ilia, Cinder, Emerald and Roman. Mostly Roman.

"Erm...Sorry you all had to see that." Xenthas said sheepishly, pushing up his glasses.

"Yeah, try not to break the monsters before I even give them to them." Katana said, before remembering something. "Oh, wait a minute." She said, before a miniature Raging Brachydios appeared, along with someone that shocked the whole group: Hazel Rainart, in his volume 5 appearance.

"Hazel?!" Cinder and the Ozluminati all declared at once, the latter preparing to attack.

Hazel looked up and saw Ozpin, no longer in Oscar's body, but the last incarnation of the man himself standing before him. "OZPIN!" Hazel roared, getting up and preparing to attack.

But before anyone could strike, Katana stepped in between them, keeping them separated. "Wait, he's cool now. In fact, at this point, he deserves to be here a bit more than Ironwood." Katana explained, glaring at the general, who looked down in admittance, having heard of his future self's plans to nuke Mantle. "He has saved Yang, Jaune, Ren and Emerald's lives and probably sacrificed himself to Salem." She explained.

"But, wait, isn't that him from Volume 5?" Tekko asked.

"He has the memories of Volume 8, but I put him in his Volume 5 body, I like that look better." Katana said.

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