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A/N: Thanks as always to my buddy qazse for reaction ideas.

A herd of Aptonoth were seen peacefully grazing as pleasant music played in the background. "A paradise island. Beautiful. Tranquil. Breathtaking. A haven and a home for monsters large and small. An island never disturbed... " Rage spoke serenely with an echo, before a pair of Kelbi suddenly looked up as they sensed a disturbance. "Until now..." Rage added ominously as a flock of birds flew away to escape some unknown danger.

Glynda smiled at this, along with the other animal lovers. "What a pleasant opening." She said.

"Yeah. It's nice to see a monster NOT immediately jumping out right at our face this time." Emerald agreed.

"And this island looks so peaceful and pretty. It's the kind of place I'd want to build a little cabin in and enjoy nature." Velvet said, enjoying the scenery with the other nature lovers, unaware of the three ice demons wincing more and more with each statement.

However, that calm, peaceful atmosphere was quickly ruined by the Kelbi looking up and the birds flying away. "You guys had to jinx it, didn't you?" Coco asked.

To add to that increasingly imminent danger, the ground began to shake and another larger herd of Aptonoth was bounding through the forest, fleeing for their lives. "Son, I think we might have to run." A deep, gruff voice came from the male Aptonoth from the small family as he looked at the oncoming commotion.

The young Aptonoth followed his father's gaze to the commotion as well. "What is it, papa?" The youngling questioned in a much higher voice as it observed the chaos.

And like that, any dread they had was ruined by the monster voice overs. "That's adorable and hilarious!" Ruby giggled.

"He always throws off the mood so much! And I love it!" Yang laughed.

"What about when he makes an epic moment stupid or goofy?" Neo asked.

"As long as it's the right kind of goofy. And this one definitely is." Yang told her.

The chaos that was rapidly heading towards them, threatening to trample them. "Oh, shit!" The father Aptonoth shouted as his son cried out in alarm, the two turning and fleeing for their lives. Suddenly, something burst out of the ground a small distance away from them, an absolutely gargantuan serpent with tusks rising from the ground with its mouth agape, three Aptonoth helplessly floundering in the air, before falling into the beast's closing jaws.

After this, everything went black. "It's feeding time!" Rage declared menacingly with an echo to his voice.

Many of them jumped clean out of their seat upon seeing the beast burst from the ground. "HOLY CRAP!" The more excitable ones shouted.

"D-did you guys see that?! It ate those poor Aptonoth like nothing!" Jaune screamed.

"And it burrowed out of the ground like nothing! The amount of speed and force to launch its massive body that high into the air after pouring through what had to be dozens, if not hundreds of feet of ground is astronomical!" Penny said in surprise and horror.

And then, a sheer chill shot up their spines when Rage declared it feeding time. "Perhaps it could be nap time, instead? That sounds much better." Pyrrha said worriedly.

The massive serpent was then seen moving throughout the island, popping up and down like a dolphin, causing a volcano to erupt as it burrowed into the ground. "Meet Laviente. A colossal island super-predator. Arguably the single largest creature in all the monster world. He lay dormant for many, many years, until his hunger erupted as violently as the volcano his assault let loose. His urge to feed, to consume, to take in all life and convert it into essence of his own dwarfs that of a Deviljho. He makes Nakarkos look like a Deviljho. He. Is. Endless. And he is unstoppable." Rage declared dramatically as all monsters, predator and prey alike, fled from the chaos and the fireballs of the volcano, the earth splitting and sending several Aptonoth to their death, a Rathian-like Flying Wyvern being knocked out of the sky by an airborne lava rock. All while Laviente itself coiled around the ERUPTING VOLCANO, lifting its head into the sky and letting out a massive roar while dangerously close to the volcano's lava-spitting caldera.

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