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A/N: Thanks as always for help from qazse!

Everyone was shocked by the title Katana had given the beast they were about to view. "I-I-I'm sorry but, di-di-did you say..." Velvet began shakily, before gulping and finishing her question. "Extinction Dragon?" She asked.

"That is what some call it, yes." Katana confirmed.

"Dang. And I thought Cindy over there was hardcore. This time makes her sound like a kitten." Torchwick said with teasing Cinder, who had to be restrained by Neo, Emerald, Ruby and Luna... It was probably mostly Luna, really, but the others deserve some credit.

"And it actually preys on Elder Dragons?" Glynda questioned.

"You will see." Katana said.

"Could you be ANY more cryptic?" Yang complained.

"I can't take the suspense anymore. Just start the episode!" Ilia insisted.

A beach was shown with the rising sun as shallow waves rolled in. "To live is to be hungry." Oceaniz began as the word "Hungry" popped up on the right side of the screen. "Hunger is a fundamental part of all life and drives the actions of myriads of organisms every second. And just like the individual hungers for food, so too does nature hunger itself. Not for fine steaks or berries, but rather for change and adaptation." He went on as a super fluffy bird was shown, before another bird was shown flying with a cloudy evening background and lastly a squirrel was seen scavenging. "The history of nature is one of constant flux, a tornado of changes in response to an ecological niche, nature's desire given form. And sometimes the form that desire takes is anything but elegant and refined." As clouds were shown rapidly billowing through the sky and a large island was shown with palm trees spaced out over a beautiful sandy area.

"Oceaniz Presents"

"The Nergigante"

"Aww, look at the fluffy birdie." Ruby cooed.

"I want to cuddle with it!" Emerald said.

"It was quite the darling little thing." Glynda agreed.

"I believe that was a House Finch and the squirrel was a red-tailed squirrel." Penny declared.

"Definitely, Oceaniz's greatest advantage is to make you appreciate nature more." Winter stated.

"Life game of pressure." Oceaniz announced as the woods in Winter were shown, with the word "PRESSURE" appearing in the center of the screen. "Regardless of where you look, everywhere you will find something doing something in response to some kind of pressure. That pressure might be a very physical one, such as hunger, danger or reproductive urges. Or, it might be a more abstract kind of pressure, for example: the pressure of natural selection that pushes organisms to adapt in order to prevail. Through these pressures, the very shape and breath of all of life is formed. Survival adaptation, the individual and the system, all pressuring each other on to find more creative, more efficient solutions to and ways to thrive." He elaborated as jackrabbit was seen bounding through a grassy field, an eagle was shown taking down another rabbit in a desert, a group of deer seen moving through the woods and a large monitor lizard appeared to be eating something.

"That's a jackrabbit! And-" Penny continued, before the eagle suddenly took the rabbit. "Oh, dear... That's a golden eagle." She explained with less enthusiasm.

"Bunny, no!" Ruby cried.

"Nature is cruel sometimes, sweetie." Summer told her youngest child, running her fingers through her hair.

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