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A/N: As always, thanks for qazse for some help with reactions.

Also, Coachcaptain101 is sadly experiencing several difficulties, so while he hasn't given up on 1-A watches Monster Hunter Lores, he's been severely delayed and says not to expect the story this year. so, if anyone else is willing in the mean time, I'm re-issuing the challenge. And don't worry, I'll still give the transcripts for all the monsters I've done so far to make things easier for the person who's willing to participate!

"Snakeskin... So, I'm getting a snake monster? That will be interesting." Coco said.

"I'm sure it will be amazing, Coco. Definitely worthy of being your monster." Velvet said, although looked a bit nervous about the potential of being around what would most likely be a giant snake all the time.

"I wonder how it will compare to a King Taijitu?" Cinder wondered.

"I mean, every monster we've seen so far makes the Grimm look like total noob stuff, so why wouldn't a giant snake?" Ruby reminded Cinder, who smiled and nodded.

"And you'll be expected to keep track of all its shed skin, Miss Adel. I will not tolerate finding giant strips of dead skin lying around." Glynda warned her.

"No problem, we'll probably be using that skin for purses and scarfs anyway, right?" Neo said.

"Oh, yeah. Snakeskin and silk. Our boutique will be flooded." Coco agreed.

"I do love me some snakeskin boots and wallets." Qrow admitted, holding up his wallet.

"And, it's surprisingly resistant, so it makes decent minor armor as well." Ironwood added.

"Alright, then. Let's start this up!" Katana declared, playing the video.

A misty jungle locale was shown, accompanied by strange music, but fitting to the atmosphere as a tail could be seen shaking, like how a rattlesnake shakes their tail. This vibration cut through the mist to a strange protrusion in the ground a similar color to the tail, causing said protrusion to also shake violently, causing the Huntress standing next to it to hold her ears in pain, before the strange protrusions detonated. The music then changed slightly as a young boy could be singing about how he was afraid of snakes as a strange, long body could be seen spiraling around the Huntress, before she quickly leapt out as the head of the creature passed her and it completely coiled up on the area she'd been in.

Then, the snake-like creature emerged from the mist and roared. "I'm a snaaake~!" A man's voice could be heard as the snake creature roared.

"Oh, that's sick-looking! The good kind of sick." Coco said.

Velvet giggled. "And the guy saying he's a snake was cute." She added.

"You say cute, I say obnoxious sounding." Emerald said, rolling her eyes. [1]

"Using mist to hide itself until it was ready to strike. Clever." Winter stated.

"Seeing the snake coiling like that gave me flashbacks to our initiation." Ren said.

"Meet then, fellow hunters, Najarala: the Snake Wyvern. In fact, it really is unique and its trying its best to. Look at it over there! Being only one of the two members of the Snake Wyvern class, the other being crappy little Remobra, that used to be a Flying Wyvern 'til it got reclassified!" Rage began, although it quickly sounded like he was breaking down and ranting about Snake Wyverns and this Remobra creature in particular as Aylia was seen observing a Najarala from a distance and climbing up a large pillar for a better view and to stay out of sight.

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