The Fated Four (Part 2)

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For the video watch from 13:43 to the end

"Next up then, is Astalos, who is, uh... an electric psychopath. He is erratic, twitchy and unpredictably aggressive. He took the aggression dial, ripped it off and tried to fight the fucker, then looked at Deviljho and went 'Hm... Hold my lightning.' It is ridiculous fighting him. He has these twitchy, rapid, insectoid movements and has a huge insect-y aesthetic. It's like someone took a dragonfly, combined it with a scorpion threw in a bit of Rathalos and had a 'It's alive!' moment with thunder. He will fight anything and everything, even if it's retreating, even if it's given up, he will not stop murdering the shit out of it until it's been thoroughly murderized." Rage explained.

As all this was happening, a blue raptor-like dinosaur with long red claws and a head crest was wandering through a forest, when a large wasp-like bug dropped dead in front of it. The raptor went to investigate, only to find more wasps dropping like flies. It continued to investigate, unaware of the large insect-like dragon with a strange head crest looking at it from the trees, before diving out of the trees and slamming into the poor, unsuspecting raptor, pinning it to the ground and mercilessly ripping it to shreds, before tearing off and eating some of its flesh, then roaring in fury.

Several younger and/or less mature members of the audience cried out in fear once again and hugged their go-to support person: Ruby to Cinder, Neo to Yang, Nora to Ren, Jaune to Pyrrha and Weiss to Winter. "That thing's super creepy and scary." Ruby said.

"Ugh. It's reminding me of Tyrian." Cinder said, shuddering.

"That raptor never even saw it coming." Nora said sadly.

"Velocidrome." Katana corrected.

"He will fight all of the things. And the thing is, he's very good at fighting. In the air, he has a dragonfly's level of precision, dexterity and speed. And, by the way, dragonflies, the most successful hunters on the planet. And he can even challenge Rathalos for king of the skies status. Known as the Thunder Wyvern, he can generate thunder throughout his entire body. He doesn't just have a thunder organ, his entire body charges up with green lightning as he fights, the heat and pressure building up inside him, converting into more and more electricity that he can fire out of his pincer tail, out of his mouth in great blasts, even coat his wings when he reaches full charge. He glows this beautiful green, he can send lightning balls skirting 'round the battlefield. Essentially, he turns the area around him into the 'no go, you get fried' zone." Rage continued as an Astalos chased down and decimated a Rathalos in aerial combat and challenged a hunter on the ground.

"That is some impressive aerial prowess." Ironwood admitted.

"Truly, to challenge and defeat the supposed king of the skies." Glynda agreed.

"Looks like the king got dethroned." Neo said, shocked.

"That's messed up, Neo." Yang lightly scolded.

"On top of that, he's incredibly physically competent and fast, using his wings as blades with electrified green claws slamming down into you, charging you and leaping around the place, doing incredible aerial feats of lightning smashing down. Essentially, he will use EVERYTHING in his power to absolutely decimate you as quickly as possible. He is by far and away the most constant, relentless member of the Fated Four and it's an exhilarating, heart quickening fight. And if that wasn't enough, their entire shell is covered in deadly spikes that shred foes on contact and, believe me, he's gonna want to keep contact with you. He can also have his signature attack where he generates a thunder blade emanating from his horn and slams it down upon you. It really is quite badass." The lecture continued as a hunter mounted Astalos, bringing it to the ground, which enraged the beast, causing it's attacks to become even deadlier.

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