Piscine Wyverns

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A/N: Thanks to qazse for help with reactions as always.

As she was about to start the episode, Katana thought of something she herself was guilty of and that some members of the audience were as well, but they would likely be mad at Rage and other hunters for, so now was probably the time to fix that, looking over to the cinnamon trio. "You know, girls, I can understand why you don't like Kulu. But You three are being very unreasonable, and over dramatic. You can't just be biased towards a creature simply because of its diet." She told them.

"But it-" Ruby began.

"She's right girls. While we don't approve of it gorging itself, and wasting the rest of the egg without finishing it. We don't think it deserves this kind of discrimination, simply because it has to eats." Ozpin agreed.

"I agree. Animals literally kill and eat each other on a daily basis. Even herbivories are known to kill and maim each other in fights. Bashing Kulu Ya-Ku for eating eggs would be no different to hating a bear for eating fish, or a lion biting onto a gazelles neck, or an hawk digging it's talons into a rabbit." Glynda added.

"And before you three try to justify your opinions on the bird, let me ask you. Do you really what to stoop to Rage's level of pettiness? Cause you being just as biased towards Kulu Ya-Ku as he is towards some monsters." Winter pointed out.

"Sorry Bun-Bun, but they do have a point." Coco told her girlfriend.

"You three are being a little too sensitive over what some monsters eat." Yang agreed.

Ruby was hesitant, but finally relented. "...Okay." She accepted.

We'll... try to keep a more open mind from now on." Velvet added.

"I guess we really aren't being fair since eggs is what they primarily eat." Pyrrha agreed. [1]

"Well, at least you learned your lesson and are willing to accept it. That's more than I can say for Rage and some other hunters about our first monster." Katana said, playing the video.

A large fish-like creature could be seen swimming underwater as the JAWS theme song played and smaller, regular fish watched as it passed. An aptonoth was then seen on the shore coming to a river and starting to drink. However, the water was clearly being disturbed a small ways out, a POV shot showing the creature gunning straight for the poor herbivore. The music began picking up speed and urgency as the monster got closer and closer, finally breaching from the water, before everything froze and new, more romantic music began playing, the singer repeating "When he looks at me~ And I look at him~" as the frame changing back and forth between predator and prey, with the predator moving ever closer until the scene played normally again and the fish-like beast grabbed the Aptonoth and dragged it back into the water, going a good ways out before the Aptonoth suddenly popped up, trying desperately to swim, before the predator seized it and dragged it back under never to resurface.

Everyone felt a shiver up their spine at the first bit of music, which changed to panic as the beat picked up and the monster closed in. "Th-that music is... freaking terrifying." Jaune said.

"It makes the build-up to the attack as bad as the attack itself." Emerald said, shocked.

"That was the theme from JAWS, which many people consider to be the ultimate Summer blockbuster horror movie and the best shark movie of all time. I love the movie, but hate the impact it left on our culture. For years afterwards, people thought that sharks were just mindless killing machines and people used that to hunt them en masse, now most species are endangered. And now, there's more shark horror movies than almost any other kind of movie! Plus, every now and then, some assholes will still post videos of themselves dragging sharks behind their speedboats, or shooting them to death and, even though it's illegal to hunt and kill sharks, a whole country pays for people to catch them, cut their fins off so they can turn their fins, that are made of cartilage and are basically inedible, into soup that tastes like shit and-!" Katana explained, going on an unintelligible rant. [2]

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