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A/N: Be sure to check out the video that goes along with this chapter! It is titled "Best Chunky Boy! Dodogama Lore" by my brother, Sai Blade! Check out the video and subscribe to his channel.

Also, thanks to Sai for sending me the script after he wrote it so I wouldn't have to! As well as to qazse for reaction ideas as always.

The Remnant crew woke up in the morning and went through the normal routine, quickly getting ready and assembling in the viewing area. "So, what will we be watching first today?" Weiss asked.

"Oh, boy! You guys are in luck! My brother just did a video on one of the greatest monsters of all time!" Katana said excitedly.

"Easily in all three of our top five." Razara said.

"It's so freaking awesome!" Tekko cheered.

"Oh, now I can't wait!" Ruby said eagerly.

"To get even our hosts this excited... This creature must truly be like nothing else." Ozpin stated.

"But, is that good or bad? Considering the nature of Katana and her daughters, it could easily go one way or the other." Ironwood said.

"Hey, besides kidnapping us, Katana's never given us a reason not to trust her." Qrow reminded them.

"I think it's gonna be cool." Jaune said.

"I can't wait anymore! Come on, start it!" Nora cried out.

"She could have worded it better, but I think we all agree." Neo stated.

"Alright, then. Get ready to be amazed." Katana told them as she started the video.

Sai stood in front of the screen, looking surprisingly serious. "A crime has been committed amongst the Hunter community. No one has given the proper respect to one of the greatest monsters known to the Guild... A mighty beast that eats rock and volcanic ore and spits out giant boulders of condensed lava... The greatest of all Fanged Wyverns. The Ultimate monster... DODOGAMA!" He declared as he was seen approaching a very bulky blue and orange lizard-like monster that was apparently gorging itself on the rocks, crystals and ore of the Elder's Recess. It looked was shown with a massive bottom jaw with almost rock-like scales along its jaw and chin, which looked like it was made of incredibly loose skin.

"Hot DAMN, that's a thicc-ass lizard!" Yang cried out.

"It's so adorable!" Ruby, Penny, Velvet, Glynda and of course, Winter, all cried out, instantly in love with the creature, hearts in their eyes.

"I want to hug it!" Ruby cried out, wanting to wrap her arms and legs around the creature's head/neck area.

"How can you all like that creature!? Look at it! It's so scaly! And chunky! And its eyes are tiny and beady!" Weiss cried out, earning glares from the animal lovers that made her shrink down in her seat.

Nora, Neo, Emerald, Summer and Qrow all laughed. "Dang. And I thought Tai ate a lot. This guy puts him to shame." The former drunk stated, remembering Tai ate a lot when he was upset. Luckily his daughters quickly whipped him back into shape.

"He must eat more than Ruby eats my cookies." Summer said, getting a blush and glare from her daughter.

"It's so stubby!" Nora laughed.

"What kind of appetite must it have to get so... sizable?" Ozpin wondered.

"It's eating rocks and minerals. They must have a high amount of nutrients to them. Or this creature has an incredibly slow metabolism compared to how much it seems to eat." Ren pointed out.

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