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"Taehyung-ah, if you've got nothing better to do, just leave. Let me work," Yoongi spoke dismissively, barely acknowledging the incident with Jin that Taehyung had just mentioned.

For Yoongi, Jin was still the one to blame for his love and now, it seemed, for his company too. Yoongi didn't exactly think Taehyung was making things up, but he was too busy with his work and thus save his company to care much about what his hyung was going through.

Taehyung stared at Yoongi, in disbelief . Was the heartbreaking state of his hyung not enough to shake Yoongi's stubbornness? How could Yoongi so casually disregard him, especially after he'd poured out his soul detailing Jin's distress? Yet, amidst the disbelief, one of the brothers did take Taehyung's words to heart and hurriedly rushed to Jin's room.

" No - No ...I know Hyung is here on..only .... Tae is lying .... Hyung is all okay .... he is taking shower .... Right he is bathing " Frantically spoke Hoseok, his words dripping with anxiety and denial . Totally ignoring his ' reasons ' while tears kept dushing down his longing eyes . He refused to believe Taehyung's words; to him, his hyung was right there, perhaps taking a bath. He'd soon emerge, wrapping him in a comforting embrace, He kept sitting there right beside the bathroom door for almost 20 minutes waiting for his hyung to come out . All the while he kept murmuring his hyung's name . While Taehyung, yet again witnessed a painful scene standing behind the wall .

Another 30 agonizing minutes passed before Hoseok's desperate gaze settled on a neatly folded envelope resting on the table.

He regretted listening to Mr Choi , he regretted following Yoongi blindly , and he regretted everything . But isn't regret what is left at end ?

All the hell broke lose , when the words in the letter were read . Yoongi's denial shattered as he finally registered and believed the words he was told earlier . All of the brothers except Namjoon and Jin were present reading and absorbing the heavy weight of what was likely the last message from their beloved hyung.

My dear brothers , I know by now all of you must hate me and I am really sorry for being such a bad hyung to you all . I don't even know where to start after all I have so many things to apologize for .

Still, I will start with Yoongi , I know baby I am a very bad hyung and you won't like the nickname , but please let me call you this for the one last time . Just this once . Hyung never meant to snatch Jackson from you baby ,I swear on everything but things are not always in my hand and unknowingly I snatched the most cherished and beloved person of your life . I hope you will be able to forgive hyung one day for this . But baby believe me , I didn't do anything with your company papers , I have seen my baby starting from scratch and building such a huge empire on his own , and even if I am I am not in my sane mind I wouldn't have done that . If you still don't believe me , then you can check the hospital records. The person is my patient's brother and I was just giving him his brother's health report . It really hurt a lot baby when you punished me in front of everyone but I won't ask for forgiveness because I know after being such trouble to you the only thing I deserve is your hatred Still I wish you will at least come and attend my funeral .

Hoseok-ah I know being how irresponsible as I brother I was to all of you , I must have hurt you too a lot knowingly and unknowingly I can just hope that one day you will be able to bring yourself to forgive your stupid hyung . Hyung is sorry for not being there when you were stressed , hyung is sorry for not being there when you were struggling , Hyung is sorry for not taking care of you . Hyung is really sorry for everything .

Joonie , I am really grateful that at least you didn't hate me , I know you must hate me too after all there is no reason to love a nuisance like me but still thanks a lot for not showing it . Hyung will leave you all forever, now you can hate me as much as you want without faking anything . But take care of yourself okay ? Don't be a clumsy baby now , and learn to wake up without me carrying you everyday ,okay ? I will really miss carrying you every morning baby but please take care of yourself properly and don't get hurt .

My tiny mochi , forgive Hyung for always keeping your yoonie hyung . I know you are very possessive about your yoonie hyung , I have heard you nagging about it to Taehyung thousands of times but what can this stupid and selfish hyung of yours can do ? Yoongi is my best friend , someone I cherish a lot, and even if I tried distancing myself I always ended up clinging more to him . I am sure that must be very irritating for both you and yoongi . But work hard , okay ? And make everyone proud of you , I believe my mochi . He will be the greatest businessman one day just like his yoongi hyung .

My bear , I don't know how many times and for how many unbearable things I have done and apologized to you all till now but again I am really sorry . I couldn't be a good hyung to you , I couldn't be a good mentor for you . I remember how you came crying to me to change your cabin and me being the dumb person I am I dismissed you off thinking you would one day be capable on your own to get it shifted . But now don't worry bear the hospital is in your name , My bear will be the owner of the hospital , he will be the head and perform big big surgeries . Hyung will be very proud of you bear . All the best for your future !

My kookie , my baby bun . I won't apologise to you for this one , because I know after being such a cruel and ignorant brother I don't even have to right to say sorry to you and amend my actions . How could I let my smallest baby face all the hardships all alone , You have very good values baby it was me who was wrong to understand them . You don't need to change even a single thing about yourself . You know I made a card for you , it is kept in your room drawer . I really hope you will like that and one more thing bun I know how easily you catch cold and the only thing that can cure it is the ginger soup but don't worry I have kept the recipe along with the card , your yoongi hyung will make it for you okay ? Also baby I know you hate your scars , don't worry you will get the cream delivered soon it will vanish all the scars .

I love all of you, my babies a lot !!

On the other hand , the doctor finally came out from the operation theatre to announce the condition of Jin to everyone waiting out there for him .

How's it ? And i see you all didn't vote at last chapter vote on this one properly, okieee ?

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