Chapter 149.1 - The Devil

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March 15th, 2019. 16:40. Santa Monica. 7 years ago. 

The sun shone through the everlasting blue sky, radiating through the landscape of a long beach right next to a street of the town. The water that surrounded the shore with the sand around gave a sound that relaxed the minds of the on-goers who went to that beach every once in a while. Regardless if they were tourists, residents, or even certain visitors, such places provided the perfect backdrop to ease their minds from the responsibilities of the world, no longer bound to the burdens of the world to drag them down. 

Even those who held the strictest of duties to commit on most occasions, such individuals wouldn't miss the chance to reach a relaxing place if it came to ease such burdens that consume their minds in unhealthy ways. To protect and serve were two of many duties others carried out with all their strength, but the consequences in most jobs were far greater, enough to make scars that lasted for a lifetime. With bare feet laying on the wet sand, and letting the sun's rays brighten the skin was one way for those dutiful individuals to feel peace when needed. 

But it was an even different story with those who only wanted fun in their lives without any sort of trouble. 

A dark-skinned girl with a white shirt and pink hijab ran with her arms stretched wide open, she carried a wide smile on her face and giggled as well while her feet imprinted on the sands below her, just a few inches away from the water nearby. Behind her were three three other individuals. A fair-skinned brunette woman, a tan-skinned brunette man, and a tan-skinned man with dyed green hair with bushy eyebrows, all three friends observed the girl with smiles on their faces too. 

"C'mon, I thought the trio of Logan, Amanda, and Vallance were the fastest in the bunch!" the running girl said, still giggling.

 "Well, I'm sure we would be if we weren't running with our stomachs full," Amanda replied, slightly panting as she ran next to Logan. 

"No way, I thought the carrots would make me even faster, this feels like a cheat, man!" Vallance said, lagging behind a short-haired Logan, who chuckled in response. 

"Perhaps, but it's more important to stick together, it's what friends are for after all," Logan replied without glancing at Vallance, yet he kept his smile as he did so. 

Vallance grunted while they kept chasing after the girl, leaving a trail of footprints in the long distance of the beach. 

"So, what would you guys like after we finish this marathon, head to my place or nah?" Amanda asked as she glanced at Logan, who only chuckled at the question too. 

"Ah, Amanda, maybe you know us too well to know where this is going," Logan replied as they ran after the girl for a few more seconds. 

They continued to do so until they stopped at a nearby wooden watch-house, likely reserved for the beach lifeguards during the busiest seasons. They slightly panted as the girl in hijab turned around to face the three friends running behind them. 

"You mean where I tease Vallance and Amanda for their daft preferences compared to mine?" the girl asked as she smirked at the two friends. Vallance groaned while Amanda chuckled alongside Logan, who also nodded at the girl with the question. 

"Yep, pretty much, Sara," Amanda said. 

Sara giggled in response as she leaned her body forward to face the three standing in front of her, still with a wide smirk on her face, her eyes glinting with mischief. 

"Oh, that means I'll get to teach you my latest dance moves for my disco classes!" Sara said. 

Amanda blinked many times as she covered her face, eyes widened and everything as she stepped back from what Sara implied. Logan smiled at Amanda while Vallance could barely suppress a chuckle that came out of his mouth, yet Amanda spotted it enough for her to scowl at him. But she shook her head as she glanced back at Sara, who kept her wide smirk in anticipation of what Amanda would have done to him. 

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