Chapter 7.1 - Brotherhood

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August 15th, 22:00 PST

The night, always a place to encounter someone's inner self. Especially in a forest, where the lush sounds of nature can keep a living being in pure serenity, free of any skepticism, or at least suited to meditate them.

There's the house where the Warriors are taking a rest from today's work. Military, independent, it didn't matter what jobs these people had before the invasion, all that mattered for them is that they have the chance to fight for something that binds them in ways people may or may not know.

But even with binding, what can truly make them united?

 Most warriors are in there, sleeping as tidy as they can get, all for one exception. Amira.

Sitting alone in a tree branch, she looks deeply into the horizon. She has a long unsettling gaze, almost as if the horizon is something she's been looking for while she holds her hands. Maybe for Humans? Nature? Anything pleasant? It's something that isn't known for sure.

She then lowers her face, her eyes almost closing and letting out a short yet noticeable sigh from her mouth.

Beings like her may need a certain someone to give her company. Everybody needs a friend in life after all.

"That's some view, righty?" a particular voice says next to her.

It's Tany, fully dressed in her white pajamas and her blue staff in her left hand.

Amira gets startled for a moment, briefly covering herself from the surprise, unaware if it was a Zlocan or Human intruder after all.

"Tany? Shouldn't you be...?" 

She yawns in response before replying. "Just wanted to look for some apples for breakfast for the next day like today, until I've noticed someone took an early leave for bedtime...And I found the culprit! Nah, just kidding, I'm just happy nothing happened to you!"

"I see..."

For a brief pause between the two girls, Tany then comes up with something as she looks at her once more.

"Ami...there's something I need to ask you. And I apologize if it upsets you in any way."

"I would not. Go ahead and let out what your soul desires...Oh, you mean of what I am thinking of this so far?"

"Wha?! Cheating again!?"

Amira could only wholeheartedly chuckle in response after using some of her telepathic technique.

"Sorry, I am usually impatient when it comes to such questions."

"Okie then, but for the next question, don't try to read it again!"

"OK. Well, quite honestly...I still feel unsure about you. You people so far are a mixed bunch, like collected fruits in a huge nest, all varied in many ways and unsure which one is best suited for your betterment. But...I even feel the doubt in the supposed kindness of certain people, even Logan and you."

Tany listens, but this time with a rosy glance on her face. Never she expected such a melancholic tone from her.

"Humans...are too difficult for me to understand. Their absence from the galactic records didn't help. But it especially goes to my brother...I am not very sure if he will truly accept and trust you...I'm not sure if I will as well."

"Well, if you put it lightly, we're the beings that are around in the best days in some way. And even if shown otherwise, we're still a good bunch if one looks deep down for all the mistakes."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean think about it. You know all the peppy talks and fun that maybe all living beings have when it comes to socializing? You know about when we're taught to forgive and love so we can be at peace? Well, that's what we're here for! Not the easy way, but still one worth taking," Tany then starts caressing Amira's hair and cheeks for a good measure.

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