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"A potato flew around my room before you came," Jin murmured as he watches some vines. "Female ghostbusters? The feminists are taking over. I'm an adult virgin."  Sabrin makes a face, hoping that they won't say the vine in front of their mom.

"I want a church girl and go to church. AND READ YOUR BIBLE!" All the boys sang with the man. Sabrin ends up busting a lung, falling off the couch and laughing hard.

"We need a medic!!" Hoseok yells, smiling. Jin runs and grabs Namjoon, who was a koala, putting him on top of her. "Here's your daily medicine of cuteness."

Sabrin laughs, palming her face and smiling. "I've been cured!" She plays along, sitting up and hugging the cute koala. Namjoon smiles, his nose twitched cutely. "Thank you Doctor Hobi. Such a lifesaver."

He smiles as his tail swayed side to side. "You're so much fun, Sabrin."

"Aww, thank you. You guys are too," She pets all their heads, earning purrs from Yoongi and Hobi. Then the door opens as Soo walks in, holding a box of pizza, cheese bread, and some wings.

"I'm home!" Soo kicks off her heels. Taehyung runs towards her and hugs her leg.

"Hi mommy!" He purrs. Then Jimin does the same, giving her the biggest puppy eyes.

"Hi, my loves," she smiles. She sets the box on the table before being hugged by all of them. Sabrin stands and smiles at them.

"I should get going, Miss." She grabs her purse ready to walk out.

"Oh, you sure? You can stay for dinner if you want," Soo offers.

"I can't. I have finish my essay for class. Thank you for the offering though."

"Oh, at least take some pizza. That's the least I can do." Soo grabs three slices, some bread, and some wings, putting them on the plate. Sabrin waves her hand.

"No, I can't! Me babysitting them is good enough for me," she protests.

"I insist. And here's an extra $60 for taking care of them," Soo hands her the plate and the money.

Sabrin hesitates before taking them both. "Thank you Miss Ahn. I..appreciate it," she gives her a smile.

"It's no problem. Now, please get home safely."

"Thank you again. I'll see you next time," Sabrin walks away and exits their home.

"I'm an adult virgin!" Taehyung screams with his mouth full. Soo turns around, confused. 'What?' She thought to herself.


"Jeez, can it get any colder?" Soo murmurs, wrapping herself and Jungkook in a blanket while the other boys were cuddled against her, also wrapped in blankets.

"Mom. Mom. Mother. Mom. Mom. Mommy. Mom. Mom. Mom," Yoongi repeats.

"What?" Soo replies, slightly annoyed.

"Hi." Soo gives him a look before making the blanket cover his eyes.

"Shush, child." Namjoon giggles as he was poking Jungkook's bunny ears which would twitch if someone were to touch them. Jungkook sticks his tongue out at him.

"Joon..dum dum," his face was straight. Taehyung and Jimin laughed.

"Kookie, don't be mean sweetie," Soo tells him.

"Bleh," he sticks his tongue out again.

"Mom. Can we go shopping for tomorrow?" Jin asks.

"Maybe. We'll see. Why?" She questions.

"Because...we are going to school right? I wanna impress them." Soo cringed at the thought of them going to school. All they do is repeat the same subjects over and over each year, not teaching them the useful materials they need in life.

"Not sure, hun. I'm..still deciding." In all honesty, she didn't want them to go. She's scared that they'll get bullied for being hybrids and she's not there to protect them. Sure, she had them for what? A month or two?

Even so, she doesn't want them to cry themselves to sleep and she won't know a thing about it. That's what scares her the most. (My fear when I have a kid.) She sighs before hugging them, holding them close. "I love you," she mumbles with a small smile.

"Love you too," they all say...well, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Hoseok meowed in response. Her smile grows bigger, kissing all of their heads.

"Gosh, you guys are so cute. You needa stop. My heart might combust," she exaggerated.

"But that's our job, right?" Namjoon grinned.

"No. No, I can't take the cuteness! Nuuuu!" She fakes a sigh, pretending to die.

"Mom...tilly.." Jungkook stuttered, his ears twitches in confusion. "Tilly....stilly...silly.."

"Mommy silly, Kookie?" She picks him as he looks at her in the eye. He nods his head. "Yes, mommy silly." She kisses his head, holding him close.

"Love...myself," he mumbles, his little nose twitched.

"Always love yourself," she holds them all. Managed to. After 5 minutes they got knocked out, snoring their hearts out.

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