Te Amo

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"Is it really Studio Ghibli?" Hera asks as Soo stirs the meat dumpling soup from Castle in the Sky, who nodded at her question.

"Yup, I found the recipe online and I know how much Jungie loves Studio Ghibli, especially Spirited Away," she smiles at Hera before glancing at the boys who stuck watching Princess Mononoke.

The door creaks open as Junghyun walks in with a bouquet of yellow marigolds, nose red. "I'm home!" He takes off his shoes before being attacked by Hoseok who hugged his leg. Then came Jimin. Then Namjoon. Then Jin who was in his alpaca form decided to do a headbutt with him.

Jung laughs "Well hello there munchkins!" He hugs them before seeing Jungkook wait for his turn, clutching the T-shirt Joonie let him borrow. After finishing his hugs, he moves towards Kookie, hugging him with one arm and slightly shoving the bouquet in his face. "And our baby bunny."

Soo walks to them as he gives her the flowers, making her swoon. "I made something from Ghibli since I know how much you love them," she tells him. "Happy anniversary, Junghyun."

"Happy anniversary Soohyun," he smiles at her lovingly. He just notices she was wearing the turtleneck he bought her, his sweats, and her brown hair was in space buns, her bangs off to the side. "You look so pretty."

"Thank you Mr. Sappy Pants. You look handsome even though you're looking like Rudolph at the moment," she giggles. "Boys come and eat!"

She decides to make their bowls, serving them at the table as they are happily. "Can you teach me how to make that mama?" Jin asks, nomming down the food.

"Yeah, I'll teach you sometime this month or so."

"Oh Auntie is it okay if I go to the mall with Jihoon and Kihyun and Seulgi this week? Oh and can I go Ki's sleepover too?"

The boys look at Hera weirdly. Soo was taken aback at Hera's request since she was only released from the hospital a week ago. "Who's Kihyun And Jihoon?" Jung asks, looking at her.

"Um, my friends, Uncle. They invited me so we could hang out since we have break."

"Are they boys or..?"

"Junghyun," Soo caught on, giving him a look. "Don't."

"I'm just asking, babe. Are Kihyun and Jihoon boys? They're nice right?" He questions, his overprotective side slowly coming out. (Y'all saw it in Amusement Park.)

"Y-Yeah. That isn't a bad thing right?" Hera asks, slightly nervous.

"Oh no. I'm just asking. I just don't want any boys being rude to you. Especially our boys, isn't that right?"

Soo sighs as the boys nod, even Jungkook though he didn't understand.

"You can go. Just remind me since I sometimes forget," Soo says.

"No let me do it. I wanna meet her friends," Jung offered instead.

With an slight eye roll towards him, Hera took notice of Soo then glanced over at Junghyun who was giving her a smile to persuade her. "You both could just take me?" She suggests, not wanting to decline either offers.

"Yes that would be grand, wouldn't it, Jungie?" She shoots him a look forcing him to nod in agreement.

"What are you doing?" Soo stifled a laugh as Junghyun walks in wrapped in a blanket with sunglasses on with a smile.

"Existing my beautiful baby girl." Soo facepalms, her shoulders shaking from the restraint of her laughter.

"I'm live, dodo," she gestures towards the camera as comments popped even more, regarding who he was and what was he doing.

"Hello foolish mortals of the internet. It is I, YOUR GOD!" He opens the blanket pretending it was wings. Soo was still shaking, laughing out loud.

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