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Junghyun was staring at Jin and Hera who were at the front door where Soo was introducing herself to Kihyun's mother. He was boringly waiting in the car since Soo thought he would try and scare Kihyun.

He could tell that his mother was being extremely friendly towards Soohyun, maybe because they knew who she was. Glancing upwards, he saw the clouds were getting dark. Probably gonna snow he thinks, looking back at the kids who were chattering with one another. Please be careful.

"Baby, you okay? You kinda spacing out," Soo giggles at him.

"Yeah Im okay. Just worrying about them."

"I'm sure they'll be fine but not gonna lie, I'm worried too. Mostly about Jin," she sighs. "I know he's social but I don't know why his friends don't invite him over like Hera's. I really hope none of them are being outcasted."

Junghyun saw and heard the worry in her. He exhales before petting her head. "I'm sure if they are being bullied they would tell us. But if they are, I'm beating those kids up."

Soo widens her eyes and she sputters "Wh-What-Wait, huh?!"

"Or I can threaten the kids to leave our kids alone with my badge. I could bend the law if I want to," he smirks deviously. Soo makes a face towards him.

"That would be mean...but I would support it," she smiles at him. She starts the car as she begins to drive.

"I'll pick you all around 6-7ish? That alright for you?" Kihyun's mom asked. Kihyun nods as the group wave her bye, her driving off.

"So what store you wanna go first?" Seulgi asks.

"I'm okay with anything," Jin waves his hands as he talks. (Basically talking with his hands.)

"How about *insert whatever store*?" Jisoo suggests as she adjusts her purse strap.

After walking inside, Hera finds a sweater with a strawberry, showing it to Jin; he was pretty quiet the whole time, only mumbling his answers to her friends. "What do you think of this? Should I try it on?" She asks him in an excited tone.

Not wanting to down her mood, he smiles, nodding. "Anything you wear will be cute."

Hera's smile grew as she rushes to the fitting room to try it on. "So if you don't mind me asking," Jin turns his head to see Seulgi, "What kind of hybrid are you? I hope I'm not being offensive."

Seokjin felt flustered, hearing someone actually talk to him and not pushing him away. " I'm-I'm part al-alpaca," he stumbles over his words.

"Oh we have a friend who's part panda. His name's Jihoon. He was supposed to meet us here but I guess he's running a little late," Kihyun cuts in.

"Speak of the devil," Jisoo points at Jihoon who was running towards them, a small leather backpack on him.

"I'm here! I'm here! My dad finally managed to lower the cost of my new clarinet," he sighs in relief, his ears drooping. His eyes noticed Jin before glittering with joy. "H-Hi! I'm Lee Jihoon. You are?"

Jin was taken aback at his politeness, feeling intimidated. "I'm Ahn-Kim Seokjin, Hera'"

"Brother?" They looked at him weirdly.

"Oh my mom, I guess, adopted her so she's my adopted sister. We're not blood related," he defends himself, becoming more flustered.

"So what do you-oh hey Jiji!" Hera greets Jihoon with a smile. Jihoon blushes before waving hi to her along with a smile. Jin immediately senses his new attitude but doesn't say anything. "Anyways what do you guys think? Does it look nice?"

She twirls as her curls hit her cheeks. "You look great!" Jin gives her a thumbs up, grinning.

After walking around the mall for awhile, they decided to stop at the food court where Hera shared her mozzarella sticks with Jin. They chattered about random topics like what jobs they would get, what high school would be like, opinions on recent movies, etc.

"So pretty much I would love to be either a veterinarian or an idol!" Hera fawns over.

"I'm sure every one of us wants to be a singer, an idol at least," Jisoo says with mostly everyone agreeing. Jin looks elsewhere, not wanting to make a fool of himself.

"What about you, Jin? You wanna be an idol too?" Kihyun asks curiously.

Jin blushes in embarrassment as he fiddled with his fingers nervously. "Not-Not really..a chef really, like my grandpa," he braces himself to be laughed at since that's all he gets at school.

"Isn't he Ahn Yejoon?" Jihoon thinks for a moment. "Hera does talk about your cooking a lot and she lets us have some." Hera looked flustered, hearing her friends rat her out.

"And your cooking is great!" Seulgi chimes in. "You should teach me sometime!"

"Yeah, I wish I can cook as well as you," Kihyun sighs. Jin couldn't help but smile at their kind words.

"Hey you're smiling! Finally, I was wondering when it would come," they say to him, making him smile more, covering it embarrassed.

Chattering more along with laughs, they were interrupted as a boy ,who looked like he was in his teens or so, walks towards Hera, cheeks flushed. "Um excuse me?"

They all look in Hera's direction as she looked confused at what was happening. "Would it be okay if I can take you out on a date?" He asked, shuffling nervously.

Hera takes a glance at her friends who looked just as weirder out as she did; why is an older yet random person asking a 10 year old out? "I'm sorry, I'm not interested," she declines, forcing a smile. "Um lets go guys."

She stands up as did everyone else, trying to leave the food court. "W-Wait!" She felt a tug at her arm as the boy grabbed her harshly. "Just hear me out!"

"Woah woah!" The boys in the group push him as Jin takes hold of Hera who looked terrified. "Don't grab on her like that! Never grab a girl like that!" They yell at him. "If she said no thanks, just leave! Hurry let's go."

Quickly moving away from the boy, they heard a distant roar of laughter along with hollering. They knew it was some trick. "Hera you okay?" Seulgi asks, hearing Hera breathe unevenly. "Do you need an inhaler? I have one."

"No no, I'm okay. Just a little scared...why did he try and ask me out? Isn't he like 5-6 years older than me or something?" She asks confused, still holding onto Jin.

"They probably thought you're the same age as them because of your makeup. I do hear girls in high school wear tons of makeup so they thought that," Jisoo tells her as a way of reassurance.

"I really thought he was gonna try and kidnap me when he grabbed me," she confesses.

"It's Okay now. My mom is outside so we could just chill and watch some movies. I'm sure it'll make you feel better," Kihyun reassures her, still glancing around to see if any boys try and come close to them.

Hera was a bit shaken up, wanting to call Junghyun and tell him what happened. As they walk out of the mall they noticed it was snowing, bits of white sprinkling down gently and the bitter cold greeting them.

Jin reaches his hand out as a snowflake falls in his warm hand, it melting slowly. "Luckily it's not a blizzard," he mutters.

A car honk came as Kihyun's mother's car came into view. They go towards the car and felt the warmth of the car heater. "Did you wait long mom?" Ki asks her as she shakes her head.

"No honey," she starts driving back to the house, "Also your father is working late again and I have go to your auntie's house. You're gonna be okay being alone with your friends for the night?"

There was a small silence as he says "We'll be fine. Tell auntie I said hi when you get there."

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