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"Y'know I loveeeee youuu," Jungie buries his face into Soo's neck as they walk in the house. Smelling his post-barf breath mixed with alcohol, Soo tried not to gag, holding her breath. "OoOoo, this a"

"Jungie, c'mon you need to shower," she whispers to him, attempting to not wake up the boys. Jung yeets his shoes, almost hitting the TV screen. Soo makes a face as she drags him.

After several attempts to drag him upstairs without hitting his head, they make it to the bathroom as she runs the water. "Come on, arms up," she orders her drunk boy. He giggles.

"Kissies first," he leans towards her, she becoming red and flustered.

"Not until you brush your teeth and use the damn mouthwash," she denies him even though she did want to kiss him. He pouts at her sadly. He goes in the water, putting his head underneath. "HEY!"

She yanks his head back up, immediately worrying. "Don't do that, don't-don't do that please," She tried not to whimper in fear. "T-Take off your clothes please."

"I'm washing me and my clothes." (If u know the reference, thank you.)

"You're drunk."

"Bitch I'm washing me and my clothes," he repeats with a drunken smile. Soo groans internally before forcibly undressing him, earning protests. She takes his clothes as hangs it on the window so that it dries, letting in the warm breeze.

She goes back in the bathroom to see him staring at the ceiling in a daze. He turns his head to see her, noticing what she was wearing. "Why are you wearing that?" He asks, grabbing her hip and pulling her towards him. She becomes more pink as Soo shuffles her feet. "You're not allowed to wear that."

"What-What do you mean I'm not allowed to wear this?? You bought this for me!" She crosses her arms.

"Other men will look at you and I'm not having any of that," He furrows his brows. Soo blinks, processing what he just said.

"Are...You're jealous?" She asks. Jung squeezes her hip before looking into her eyes.

"Yeah. Cause you're my girlfriend and no one can have you," he bluntly responds with a slight anger in his tone. Soo felt like melting into a pile of goo hearing him say that. Even if they haven't seen each other in awhile, he still manages to make her knees weak.

She sighs instead, kissing his forehead. "Have you no shame?" she chuckles while messing with his wet hair. Junghyun's eyes widened at her forehead kiss, forming a smile. "You think you can clean yourself while I get your pajamas?"

He nods lazily, yawning a bit. She walks out as she unzips herself from the dress, able to breathe. She ties her hair into a bun, her baby hairs sticking out, as she changes into one of Jung's oversized sweaters that she loved. She digs through his side of the drawers to find some pjs.

Soo's eyes started to become dry as she groans internally. She takes out her contacts and puts them into the capsules, reaching for her glasses, which resembled her to Harry Potter. "You done in there?" She asks, containing her laughter upon seeing his teddy bear underwear in the drawer..

"Yessssss," he walks into the room, well stumbling into the room. Soo gives him the clothes.

"Can you manage on your own?" She asks him as he leans into her face, making her ears heat up.

"Kissies," he pouts. She rolls her eyes as she kisses his face, leaving her red lipstick all over. He smiles before smooching her cheek, squishing her face in the process. She giggles before hearing the door creak open to show a messy tiger yawning with his Tata blanket around him.

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