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Hera was breathing raggedly as she's rushed into the ER. The lights were spinning, the voices sounded distant, her vision was blurry. She felt numb expect for the pain in her chest. She didn't know what was happening, all she knew is that the man hurt her Auntie Soo is her actual dad.

Tears were still down her face as the pain increased drastically, minutes flowing by. The shades of shadows and white lights mixed in weirdly as she's pushed down into a room, where operation on her began.

An uneasy gut feeling was creeping on Soo the whole evening and she wasn't sure why. She felt like something bad happened to someone, mostly towards Hera.

Her phone rings as some unknown name tag appears onscreen. She answers it with a simple "Hello", the feeling of uneasiness becoming somewhat unbearable. There was a long pause on the other end of the line, already annoying Soo. "Goodbye th-"

"Soohyun, I umm." She makes a disgusted face hearing her voice.

"So you decided to call me, bastard? The hell you want?" Soo crosses her arms, upset that Minee finally decided to talk to her.

"I..A hospital called me and um...they said Hera is in surgery."

"This is a prank isn't it? Did you seriously just call me to annoy me?" Soo angrily says even though she believe it a little.

"No I didn't. Look I know what I did is probably the most dumb thing I've done and I know that I screwed you and Hera over but-"

"Just..let me stop you there, Minee," she cuts her off. "I could care less if you screwed me over. I've dealt with stuff like that for a long time, it's not gonna kill me but screwing over your own daughter? Minee you must have a thicker skull than I remember."

"I'm not her guardian anymore, that I know for sure but please go to the hospital. Just go, ok? They called me asking me if I was really her mother. They said something about the left side of her heart."

Soo's gut feeling came true, something did happen. "Soo just go please."

"Can I ask you something before I leave?"

"Depends. What is it?"

Soo sighs, not wanting to sound jealous when really she was angry. "Is Jaewoon really worth it? Even though all the stuff that's happened, is he really worth more than your own kid? A kid you raised on your own for years without his help even though he was always around?"

Minee on the other end, clutches the phone, inhaling. "Yes. I just..Im sorry."

"I really hope it was worth it," Soo hangs up the phone as she lets out a shaky breath. "Junghyun!"

She leaves the kitchen as she gets her shoes on and his oversized sweater she loved. He walks down the stairs with sleeping Hoseok and Joonie in his arms. "Yeah? What's wrong?"

"Hera's in the hospital," she says, attempting to sound calm, as she grabs the leftover rice balls she made for dinner. "Can you watch the boys until I come back? Is that okay?"

Junghyun's face contorted into a look concern and worry but slowly nods. "Be careful. Let me know what's happening."

She kisses his cheek and then the sleeping boys, who made small smiles. Soo walks out as she starts driving tot he hospital, becoming teary eyed. "Please don't let it be serious. Please don't take her. Please don't," she silently prayed.

You know those moments when everything is going wrong and you're panicking like there's no tomorrow on the inside? But you're just extremely calm on the outside? Yeah that's Soo at the moment.

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