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Nearly spitting out her red wine, she stares at Mi-nee in disbelief. "Seriously? For real?" Soo wipes her mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah," Mi-nee smiles.

"What about the flower shop? Where are guys gonna live?" She bombards her with questions.

"I could sell the flowers and put them on sale because I don't think I'll be able to keep growing them and make they're healthy. Besides, selling the flowers could make more money for me and there's my savings account, my credit score is really good. I can manage."

"What about Hera? She happy about you becoming a dessert maker?" Soo questions.

"She's excited cause she thinks I'm gonna make this grandeur cake for her birthdays," Mi-nee remarks, sipping her cup of wine. "Going back to school is kind of scary."

"That I know. Jin the other day was really sad cause I told him that he had to wait five more months to go back to school. Even though he doesn't really fuss like an eight year old would, it's good he didn't have a tantrum."

"I don't really understand but Hera never really throws tantrums whatsoever. She just makes a fussy face at me and just looks at me angrily, but never complains."

"That doesn't sound bad."

"She would sometimes give me the silent treatment for a few hours."

Soo chuckles at the thought of Hera not talking to Mi-nee for hours, considering they're really close. Wanting off topic of the kids, she questions more about school. "So culinary school happy about your application?"

"They sent an email, saying they'll only accept me this late cause I apparently had a recommendation."

"A recommendation? Y'know who it was?"

"Turns out your mother and your daddy-waddy recommended me to the headmaster. I did not know your dad was actually a teacher there. No wonder he went off the grid last month."

Soo's eyes widened. "Really?" her tone was really surprised. "I never thought that the Korean version of Gordon Ramsay would work as a teacher, screaming at the students."

"Yup. I kind of have got my schedule and he's my teacher for French techniques class. I'm screwed, honestly," Mi-nee chuckles nervously, gulping down the rest of her wine.

"Jesus, calm down," Soo chuckles nervously.

"Auntie Mi-nee, can I have one? Please???" Namjoon peeks from the edge of the table, on his tippy toes. He points at the pastries Minee made at home, the pastries being choux au craquelin.

"If it's alright with Eomma," she glances at Soo who nods her head. Minee hands two of the craquelin to Namjoon who studies it. There was some caramel drizzle frozen in place and a little flower on top of it.

"What is this?" He keeps staring at it.

"It's a little fancy dessert with some caramel and raspberries. Hera put the little flower on top of them and it tastes good," Minee glittered happily at her work.

Namjoon shoves both of them in his mouth and munches them. Soohyun notices Minee looked like she was waiting for his response.

"I like it!" Namjoon jumps forward to grab some more but Soo takes it into the air, making sure not to drop it. Minee's stomach dropped, praying it didn't drop otherwise she'll die internally.

"No more! You didn't have dinner yet!" She opposes.

"I WANT ONE!" Soo flinches at the sound of all eight of the kids screaming to have one of the craquelin.

"Oh my lord," Minee squeals happily. She gasps as she says "Let's invite Junghyun and I can force feed him my food like I did back in high school!"

Soo sets the food down, snorting at the reminder of Junghyun running away from Minee when she tried shove spicy food she made down his throat and make him her tester.

"Oh my gosh, remember when you offered him an onion covered in caramel to prank him after he ripped your textbook?" Soo laughs at the memory.

Minee began to snort while laughing. "His face was priceless! Those were some good times!"

"That's mean," Jimin tells them while drinking a juice box. They both stop laughing.

"Well, we were dumb high schoolers honey. Uncle Jungie is okay now even though he's wary around Minee sometimes. Now he's the po-po he's more cautious around her," she assures the small puppy.

"Well I had to get him back. I ended up paying for that textbook with my allowance since he blamed me for it," Minee explains her payback at the time. "Anyways call him."

"I can make pan seared steak for dinner. A humongous steak. I'll go run to the market and get it."

"Can I go?" Namjoon and Hera asked together. Minee stopped in her tracks, surprised.

"Is it?" She motions towards Namjoon.

"Yeah it's fine. Junghyun said his shift ends in 20 and he'll be on his way. Also he says 'don't poison the food cause I gotta live to see another day'."

Minee makes a face of annoyance. "C'mon you two, let's go," She ushers them out, them running excitedly along with her.

"Can I have one pwease?" Yoongi pushes his hand on her leg to get her attention. "Just one please, mommy."

He gave her big eyes to swoon her. Soo makes a face at him before pinching his cheeks. "Sorry, Lil Meow Meow. You're gonna have to wait till after dinner."

"No fair!" He whines, meowing at the same time. He pouts as he crosses his arms, sitting in her lap.

"My Lil Meow Meow Can be so bratty," she sighs, messing with his hair. "Why is Lil Meow Meow so impatient with Mommy? I thought he was a good boy."

"I'm not Lil Meow Meow!" He whines while meowing again.

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