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Soo wakes up after feeling her hair being tugged at. She felt little hands pushing out of her face, letting her open her eyes. She sees a smiling bunny with a big grin. "Happy birthday my love," she yawns as she sits up. Her blonde hair was now to her shoulders and it was turning back to her original hair color.

"Hi, Jungkook. Happy birthday," Soo holds him.

"I'm one now, Mama!" He jumps excitedly. "One! One!"

"Yes you are. You want some banana pancakes with some strawberries?" She asks the happy bunny.

"No, mommy. Jin-hyung and Joonie-hyung are making breakfast. They make pecan waffles! An-And they made fruit salad!" He informs her. "Jin said that he's been practicing and that you'll loves it."

She heard him say 'loves' instead 'love' but decided not to correct him. "I bet he will make me proud. You boys always do." She gets out of the bed letting the now one-year old walk beside her.

As they slowly make their way down the stairs (since Jungkook barely learned about two weeks ago and trying to get the hang of it), Soo sees Jin on a step stool setting the waffles down.

"WHATCHU DOIN?" She raises her voice as Jin became startled, jumping.

"That's not funny eomma," he pouts at her. "Happy birthday, Jungkookie!"

Jungkook smiles before hiding behind her legs as if he were a stranger. "Is it done yet, hyung?" He asks quietly. Ever since he learned to talk a little more properly, he became the shy one out of the boys.

"What was that?" Jin asks, finishing the last waffle.

"N-Nothing, hyung," he looks down.

Namjoon helped Jin set up the table and placed the food on top. "Kookie's one now!" Jimin runs up to him and hugs him tightly.
Jungkook slowly hugs him back.

Soo-hyun helps Jungkook into his chair, putting a birthday hat on. "Hera and Auntie Mi-nee and Uncle Junghyun are coming later, sweetie. And tonight we're gonna light some lanterns and let it fly into sky. That sounds okay, honey?"

She glances at Kookie who ate his food happily. "That okay, sweet pea?" She asks him again.

"Lanterns? We maked lanterns mama?" His eyes went big. Soo froze for a moment, having already purchased the lanterns to light them up.

"But they are already made? They'll still fly though!" She smiles awkwardly. Jungkook changed his face as he looked a bit disappointed but happy. He wanted to make some but didn't want her money to go to waste.

"It's okay, mama.." his voice trailed off as he continued to eat.

"We'll do it next time, okay baby?" She reassures him. "We're gonna make the cake later. Banana cake sound good?"

His little brown eyes glowed as he raises his head, his bunny ears pointing upward. "Really? For reals?" He jumped up in excitement. She knew he liked banana pudding and yogurt and all that so might as well make a banana flavored cake.

Then Soo's phone rings as she gets up. She looks at it before smiling to herself. "Hey Jung!" Why am I getting so excited? She thought.

"Look, I got the present but they didn't have anything Kookie," informs Jung as he rests his elbow on the counter, earning a glance from his coworker.

"Oh that's okay, although he might like anything you get him," Soo tells him. "Since he wuvs you a lot."

Jung smiles, thinking that Jungkook and the others were actually his kids. "That's great cause I love him lots as well. So I get off my shift around 4:30 and I'll change afterwards. So is me being there at 5 good?"

"Yeah of course. As long as you don't let me down," she smiles, a small sad tone was heard in her voice. "Anyways we'll see you later. Bye Jung. Hope I didn't get you in trouble."

The phone call ends, a smirk formed on his face. She knew how much he loved his job and didn't want to get him fired. "Was that your wife?" The female coworker asked him, typing vigorously.

Junghyun's cheeks flushed a deep magenta. "No-No..not yet at least."


The room was dimmed as everyone began to sing happy birthday to the bunny boy. Jungkook was smiling happily, feeling all the love everyone was giving him. A two tier banana cake was covered in uneven blue frosting with sloppy handwriting that said 'Happy Birthday Jungkook', the 'B' being backwards.

As Soo sets down the cake, his face glowed with candles in front of him. "Make a wish, baby," she smiles at him, her earrings glittering from the candles. Kookie looked at everyone, happy. A small memory came into his head as he remembers that rainy day when Soo found them with his brothers. That day when a now faint and unfamiliar voice told them they'll be back and never did.

Joy rose in his chest, wishing that good luck will come to his family. He blows out the candles as everyone cheers, clapping. "Here's your present Kookie," Hera pushes a small bag across the table to him.

"Can I mama?" He asks with big eyes. She nods her head in approval as he digs through the bag to see a one eyed, four legged monster bear. He gasps excitedly. "Mike Wazowski!" He jumps for joy, holding the bear tightly.

Soo asks-whispers "Mike What?"

"Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. They watched it when I babysat them the other day," whispers Mi-nee. Soo silently makes a 'oh' before slicing and serving the cake (Some of it ended being smeared against Jungkook's face). After that, the lanterns were getting ready.

Some were plain red with gold writings and others were fiery dragons. Soo wanted to light lanterns for Jungkook so that they can receive good fortune and luck. She lets the birthday boy go first since his day. Jung lights up the inside of the lantern as it starts to fly upwards.

His brothers and Hera gleamed with delight, ready to have theirs fly alongside Jungkook's. Soo smiles as their paper lanterns glowed as if they were new stars. "I hope you had a good birthday, Kookie," Soo looks down to see the bunny holding his monster bear with the biggest grin on his face.

"Next up is Namjoon-hyung's!"

[Author-nim: wow..I am so so sorry for being inactive for a month. I've been really busy with school and oml, I have midterms this week 😭. Luckily ya girl got spring break next week *whoop whoop* I'll do my best to update during that time. Anyways I hope you amazing angels liked this. Also happy belated birthday my beautiful bias, Suga!! 🎂 🎉]

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