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Yoongi turns his head before his face brightens up. "JIJI!" His voice came out as a meow, Jisung and Yoongi hugging.

"Hi, Jisung," Taehyung greets him along with Jimin and Hoseok. Jimin and Tae decides out of nowhere to wear matching outfits. Of course, Junghyun had to help them since Soo was helping with Hera's and Namjoon's hairstyle for the day.

Tae and Jimin were wearing striped long sleeves with overalls and little red shoes. (Like Jimin had in that one RUN episode. Wittle baby shoes). Hoseok just wore a oversized rose shirt, designed by Jeongja, some jeans, and boots.

"I've been okay. Your mommy told my mommy you had to go somewhere cause there was a mean lady who didn't like her," Jisung tells them as they walked to the blocks, Jimin immediately started to build a tower.

"I-I know," Yoongi fiddles with his fingers. "But Im back. Were you okay without me the p-past few days?"

"I was okay. Yoongi, don't leave like that again, ok?" Jisung pouts.

"What were you doing when-when I was gone?"

Jisung pouts more before making direct eye contact with Yoongi. "Waiting for you to come back."

The class was rowdy and loud but Namjoon paid no mind. He was stuck with some of his previous classmates who were either loud or annoyed him with stupid questions or he just plain didn't like. He had his notebook in front of him as he wrote random lyrics, bored out of his mind.

He didn't notice how poetic it was sounding until some girl, who peered over his shoulder, pointed it out. " 'Life is a word that sometimes you cannot say. And ash is the thing that someday we all should be. When tomorrow comes, how different it's gonna be.' Are you a poet?"

He flinched at her voice, immediately closing his notebook. His eyes look at her before shaking his head. "Really? You should be one, you have a way with words."

"Ooooh, you have a crush on the half-breed freak!" A random boy attempted to mock her, earning a stink eye from her.

"At least I wasn't the one who had food in their teeth and bad breath when they were talking to their crush," she scoffs at him.

"OHH SNAP, SHE HECKA GOT YOU BACK!" One of his friends laughed. Namjoon quietly snickered, covering his mouth.

"You're...Namjoon right? I'm Yun Miok," she smiles at him. "There's this nice little poetry place near the mall. If you can, you should try it out and speak about your poetry."

Namjoon felt nervous since he doesn't really talk to any of his classmates due to him being part koala. Also not to mention, it's a girl who was being nice to him, like genuinely nice to him.

"I-I have to ask my mom. Are-Are you a-you a," he felt like slamming his head on the desk. "Sorry, I don't me-mean to stutter."

"Oh no it's fine. I'm okay with it," the bell rang overhead as she was about to make her way to her desk but stops. "Also if I can, would it be okay to have lunch with you?"

Namjoon's eyes widened at her question before slowly nodding his head. She flashes him a smile before heading to her desk in the far back, close to the windows.

I made a friend, right? he questions himself, unsure of what just went down. The teacher walks in and takes attendance, until she calls out Namjoon.

"Well, Mr. Kim, you missed two weeks worth of school," she looks at him with her beady eyes, slightly annoyed. She takes out a small stack of paper and hands it to him, him realizing its worksheets. "You have a week to complete all assignments due to the ordeal you had to go with earlier. Don't disappoint me."

The class went on along with whispers between his peers, Namjoon's ears twitching at their words being spoken.


"I don't like the attention I'm getting," Hera grumbled, her head in her palm. "Everyone in my class were whispering about me on why I was missing, why the teacher was being sooo nice to me, y'know getting a slap on the wrist. As if I wasn't nervous enough when I didn't have proof people were judging me."

"Same. Everyone kept trying to talk to me or about me," Seokjin chimes in. He and Hera were waiting Namjoon to come and join them for lunch so in the meantime they were just talking. "I was better just listening to Eomma's music but I really hate how everyone kept talking."

"I know right?" Hera ate a piece of chicken. She then notices a nervous Namjoon with a smiling pretty black haired girl beside him. "Joonie? You doing okay? Who's she?"

"Oh-Oh, this is-"

"I'm Yun Miok," she introduces herself. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off." She rubs the back of her head nervously.

"It's fine. This is my brother Seokjin and my sister Hera," Namjoon introduces them. They made a wave at her.

Miok slightly gasped at Hera before going into her face, excited. "Are you wearing eyeliner? It looks so cool!"

"Oh, you like makeup too?" Hera became a little flustered.

"Yeah. I usually help my dads with theirs. One of them is actually a makeup artist for actors and actresses!"

"Really? Which ones?"

Seokjin and Namjoon made faces, disliking that they were being excluded. But at the same time, they liked that Hera looked so bubbly and happy again. Time passes as they head to their class for the rest of the day. Before they knew it, the school day ended.

Namjoon was just randomly drawing before hearing his name called out.

"Bye, Namjoonie!!" He looks up and sees Miok running past him and towards an older man, probably her dad. One of them at least. Namjoon waves at her nervously, slightly pink.

"You have a crush don't you?" He flinched at Hera's voices. "Or you happy you have a friend?"

"Friend. I think I'm her friend? I don't know, never had any." His ears drooped slightly but makes a neutral face. "Help me Hera. You have more friends than meeeee."

Hera rolls her eyes. "Then get out your comfort zone, you blockheaded crouton." Then they hear Jin snort loudly, having his windshield wiper laugh echo.


They look up to see Jungkook held up in the air by Junghyun, looking like the opening scene of the Lion King. They scurried to them and hop into the van where they see Soo digging through a paper bag.

"Why do you have flowers in your hair Auntie?" Soo mostly had sunflowers and petunias in her hair that was curled.

"Did a photo shoot with Grandma. Anyways, here," she hands them small boxes filled with garlic chicken and tteokbokki. "Don't spill anything please."

"Bubba. Bubba," Jungkook kicks his legs around, a Koya plushie in his arms. "Koya flying."

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