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3rd POV

The school bell rang indicating the end of school and Peter Parker couldn't have been happier. Today was bring your parents to school day but May couldn't get off her shift. He was the only kid in his class whose parent or guardian hadn't attended and his bully Eugene 'Flash' Thompson could not pass up the opportunity to comment on that.

Peter was making his way out of the building since Happy was waiting out front to take Peter to SI.

"Hey Penis Parker!" Flash yelled.

"Ignore it and it will go away." Peter kept mumbling to himself over and over.

"Are you deaf ! I'm talking to you idiot!" Flash yelled.

"I just want to go now, what do you want?" Peter questioned in annoyance.

"Where are you off too? That fake internship with Tony Stark? Like if THE Tony Stark would ever spare a glance at you. If he wanted a personal intern he would have chosen someone like me. I'm smart, charming and rich. Or are you going to your shack to cry to your aunt because she didn't come with you today? Face it Parker, you're an orphan and no one cares about you! Not even your aunt!" Flash taunted.

"Remember when you had a life and didn't make bitchy comments about mine," Peter retorted.

Flash punched him square in the face and walked off. Normally Peter would never respond to what Flash said. He would just stand there and take the verbal abuse and sometimes even physical abuse but today he really got to Peter.

He was upset that May couldn't make it but he knew that she had to work in order to keep a roof over his head and food on the table. She was always working and Peter couldn't remember the last time they actually spent time together. He missed having someone to cheer him up when he was sad or having someone to watch movies with but all that was when Ben was still alive and May didn't have to work as hard.

Peter knew that she missed him too but she set her priority as providing for him. She already did so much for him and Peter didn't want to burden her with his teenager problems.

He shook his thoughts off and found Happy parked to the side of the school. "Hey Happy!" Peter greeted cheerfully as he went on to ramble about his day. Happy would never admit it but the drive to the tower with Peter was the highlight of his day.

Peter tried to ignore his throbbing eye as he knew it would heal itself soon. Happy hadn't noticed the kid's black eye as he was sat in the driver's seat.

"Thanks for the ride Hap, see you later." Peter said before making his way inside the tower.

"Welcome back Peter," Friday greeted.

"Thanks Fri, can you take me to Mr Stark please?" Peter asked as he entered the elevator.

"Of course Peter," Friday responded.

Peter entered the Avengers floor where the team was.

"Hey everyone," Peter greeted everyone in his peppy voice.

"Hey kid how was your day, What the fuck happened to your eye?" Tony asked turning to face Peter.

"Language," Steve commented as he turned to look at Peter. "For fucks sake what the hell happened, is someone hurting you?" Steve asked worriedly as he saw what happened.

"Do you need the Hulk kid?" Bruce asked concerned. Normally he would never want to unleash the Hulk but if someone hurt Peter the other guy would gladly take over.

"I'll get my arrows," Clint said and Natasha already started sharpening her knives.

Tony stared at Peter expectantly as he waited for an explanation. Before he could say anything Pepper came in.

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