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3rd POV

Peter and Tony were sat in a booth waiting on their pizza to arrive.
Peter was massaging his temples, May had really given him an earful.

"Are you ok kiddo?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, yeah don't even try to patronize me," Peter mumbled causing Tony to laugh.

"So do you want to tell me what was wrong this morning?" Tony asked.

"I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Peter mumbled.

Tony didn't believe him but decided to ask when they were home in case Peter decided to snap again.


Spider mom: Where the hell are you guys?

Super mom: Is Peter ok? He isn't hurt right? Should I come home? Why aren't you home yet?

Iron dad: the kid's fine, May wanted to talk to him before we came home and now we're getting pizza.

Capsicle: are you rewarding the kid for getting into a fight?

Iron dad: No steve, I am just doing my duty as a parent and feeding my kid. I was unaware that food was a 'reward'.

Capsicle: keep your sarcasm to yourself. I was just checking.
Are you ok Pete?

Baby Stark 🦈: I'm fine guys.

Legolas: Did you punch the guy hard? Tell me you at least hit him hard. If you're going to get in trouble for hitting someone you might as well hit them hard.

Iron dad: CLINT!

Capsicle: CLINT!

Super mom: CLINT!

Spider mom: don't encourage him 🤦🏻‍♀️

Super mom: Peter what were you thinking? You could have killed someone with your super strength.

Legolas: so? Tony has enough money to bail him out of jail I dont see what the problem is.

Spider mom: Barton if you don't shut the fuck up I swear to God-

Capsicle: Language!
This is why our angel is getting into fights because you people can't mind your damn language.

Legolas: How the fuck does that even make sense?

Iron dad: I'm going to regret saying this but.
I actually agree with Clint for once in his life.

Spider mom: same

Super mom: me too

Big sister: why did you get into a fight anyway?

Bird brain 2.0 : yeah, I've only known the kid for one day but even I know that he won't just pick a fight.

Shrinky dude: I second that

War machine: I'd just say that Tony's genes were acting up

Green bean: I agree with that

Iron dad: I'm offended

Spider mom: are you going to answer the question?

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