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3rd POV
When they got back to the tower Peter was a bit surprised that Pepper hugged him.

"Hey, Peter. How was your day at school?" Pepper asked with a soft smile.

"It was good," Peter lied while recalling the day's events.

"You're lying," Pepper said suspiciously.

"Um no I'm not," Peter said nervously.

"I can see it on your face. Tell us what happened," Pepper urged as Nat, Steve, and Clint looked at Peter worriedly.

"That Flash kid and his friends tried to attack him," Tony informed them.

"I thought that they were suspended?" Natasha asked.

"Apparently they hung around in an alley near the school," Tony said.

"Who?" Pepper asked confused.

"A kid who bullies Peter," Clint clarified.

"Oh my God! Why would someone do a thing like that to someone as sweet as Peter?" Pepper asked angrily.

"I'm going to take care of it once and for all," Natasha declared.

"Au- Mom," Peter said, he inwardly face palmed himself for the slip up. He nearly called her Aunt Tasha.

"No Peter, it's gone on too long,'' Clint said this time.

"I literally took forever to convince Uncle Tony to give them one last chance. Please, guys, everyone deserves to be forgiven," Peter said.

"Only when they apologize," Steve pointed out.

"Uncle Tony spoke to them, just one last chance. If they bother me again then you can do whatever you want," Peter said.

"Fine, but every day when you get home from school you have to tell us if they bothered you or if they continue hanging around the school. Ok?" Natasha asked sternly.

"Yes, I'm going to do some homework now," Peter said and went to his room.

"They better leave me alone now," Peter thought to himself before opening his books and started doing his homework. There was no way he would be able to hide if Flash or his friends bullies him again. His family was going to ask him and he was a terrible liar. If they had found out about them getting to go back to school before their suspension ended well that would be worse.

His dad would wreak havoc and probably get his principal fired and then Peter would get into trouble for lying. He groaned dramatically, why was he even trying to prevent his family from ruining Flash's life? After all, he tortured Peter for years.

Peter decided that he was trying to keep his family out of it because they would definitely ruin his bullies' lives and people change. Eventually.

"Why would anyone bully him? he is such a sweet kid," Pepper said after Peter went to his room. "I don't know but he is too good to everyone," Tony said with a sigh.

"Why doesn't he just stand up for himself?" Pepper asked.

"He started a fight last time," Clint said with a chuckle, he was the only one who had agreed with Peter for punching the kid first.

"That wasn't funny Clint," Tony said warningly.

"Yeah, sure it wasn't," Clint said sarcastically.

" I think that I'm going to go check on Peter," Pepper said and they all smiled because Pepper was still protective over her kid.

"Hey Peter, it's me, um Pepper. Can I come in?" She asked while knocking on the door.

"Yeah, come in. I recognized your voice," Peter said.

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