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3rd POV

"Where do you think you're going?" The security guard who MJ bumped into asked.

"I um... I was going to the bathroom," she lied.

"No one leaves this room until all of you have been searched, now get back inside!" The man yelled.

"Fuck," she muttered under her breath.

"I also need to find a teacher it's very important," she tried.

"You're obviously not going to listen," the man said and rolled his eyes before grabbing her arm and was about to pull her back into the classroom.

"What's going on here?" Another voice said catching both of their attention.

"Miss White!" MJ exclaimed relieved that she found her so fast.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"I need to speak to you urgently, in private!" MJ exclaimed.

"Ok come with me," she said.

"I'm sorry ma'am but no student is allowed to leave the classroom unless they got searched," the security guard said.

"She will be supervised by me and it's fine, now if you don't want her to file a lawsuit for the physical aggression you just used on her you better let her speak to me," she replied.

The guard immediately let go of her and MJ followed Miss White. She would have given an answer back to the security guard but she was too worried about Peter to be snarky.

"What is it?" The teacher asked.

"They're searching the class for drugs and they said they contacted our parents but there is something sketchy about the security guard and they took Peter first and I messaged his family and they were not informed about the situation and his dad said to inform you," MJ rushed out.

She deliberately left out the part about the security guard being a Hydra agent just in case she got the wrong person.

"Fuck, where did they take Peter?" She asked.

"To the nurse's office I think," she said.

"Ok, I want you to go back to class now,'' she said and began speed walking to the nurse's office since she couldn't exactly start running in the hallway.

MJ followed her though. "No, I want to make sure that Peter is okay," she said.

Miss White knew that MJ wouldn't budge and if she tries to argue, she would just be wasting time.

She barged in the door just in time.
Peter was being held down by three guards and the nurse was holding a needle and was about to inject him.

"What's going on here?'' She asked.

"We just need to take a blood sample from him to test if there are any drugs present in his bloodstream, but he wouldn't stay still." the nurse said.

"That looks like an injection rather than something to take blood with," MJ pointed out.

"You're right, could you go to the receptionist and tell her to contact Peter's guardians on my behalf. Tell her to tell them to get here immediately," she said to MJ who nodded and rushed to the office.

"Let go of Peter," she warned.

"We're just going to take his blood sample," the nurse said and rolled her eyes.

Melissa White, or actually Maria Hill knew that she was surrounded by Hydra agents, she knew that she might have to blow her cover in order to save Peter.

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